Gay trance is not an official subgenre, nor are there any exact specifications. In fact, everyone has his interpretation. There are some characteristics that a song in this genre may contain, but not necesserily.
Here is a list of characteristics I personally see fit in gay trance.
* Supersaw lead melodies, lots of chorus and reverb.
* A soft kick and a slow, drifting tempo. Not too funky, keep it rather dreamy.
* The intro fades in, we get a rhythm with a variation on the main theme, after which we get a drop. The song then builds up for about three minutes like in epic trance, followed by a very moderate climax. The rest of the song can either be resumed with alternating dreamy themes with very cheesy ones.
* Not having too uncommon or complex chords.
* The mood progresses from overly dramatic to irrationally exhuberant.
* Smooth, sparkling bubbly sounds instead of harsh stabs and aggressive arps.
* Cheesiness!