IT Help Please!


Active Member
O.k, not very clever at the old IT so hoping some of you experts will be able to help me :oops:

At long last getting the internet at home and when going through the set up last night my installation CD advised that I would get a 90 day trial with the anti-virus/security thing so I deleted 'Bullguard' which was already on there (tower came from boyfriends parents) but when it began to run this said we couldn't have it as we did not have enough RAM. Now a wee bit a research has proved that it will be best to get some more and wheres/hows I'm looking into, BUT real question it a huge risk not to have this in place right now? Hoped to be connected tonight (with a little technical help) and wondered if I can go onto a site and download this security stuff for free, with no risk and easily!?
Thanks all - so no panic once connected to spend 10 mins or so with no security to download a free one?

We are getting Talk Talk. Was advised last night that first stage help couldn't connect, but need to call 'Line 2' today. Can't fault any customer service so far all calls answered promptly and polite, helpful people on the other end. :)
ahh, im with veeeeeeeeergin media (formerly ntl/blueyonder)

you get a spiffingly decent antivirus package thingyjobby.....

so much so i now bump norton etc. in favour of it, but thats irelevant to you.
All virus stuff is crap anyway, the first thing a virus maker does is work out how to get round the anti virus software otherwise there is no point in it. I've been working without any form of anti virus software for the last 5 years and I'm on it constantly looking at all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff and I have never had a problem. Be clever, don't click 'Yes' to instant pop ups asking to install some crap unless its a verified website. Routinely go to Add/Remove Programs and delete anything you don't recognise as probably spyware. Happy Days.
Sorry but that has to be some of the worst computer advice I have ever seen, why not dunk your computer in a bath of boiling water, that will kill any virus`s, Trojan`s and any other bugs it may have ? probably have more chance of it running smoothly after-wards as well :)