ISIS Threat


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Suprise their isnt a thread on this. Very high threat...i found a link on daily mail website but cant seem to copy and paste off my phone.

Be carefull
There's a high threat everywhere, all of the time. What are we supposed to do? Sit at home afraid? I'm not in a rush to book to go to Tunisia or anything, but what can you do? (I'm going tomorrow so I'm very tetchy about stuff like this. Watch me get attacked now).
You'll soon forget the threat exists ;)
Could always stay out the shit holes in San an and bossa that's got to reduce the risk even if it happened :D
Question: did 7/7 stop you going to London?

If you're giving serious consideration to safeholding yourself away then the terrorists have won. Ultimately, that is exactly what they want to achieve.

As the Daily Mail? Pfft. Glorified toilet paper.

The press wield so much control through fear + hate. They are amongst the worst culprits.
Agreed - you cannot hid in a bunker all your days thinking what if...........get out there and enjoy yourselves like you would normally :spank:
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Fully in agreement im far from the bloke hiding away. . just thought it was worthy of a thread. I carry on as normal regardless. Although i would of loved to pummel that bloke through the concrete e with a IS flag rapped around him in london the other day, having not been 300 mile away!