Is this beeatch for real or wot?!

Have you seen Lionel's daughter who's mates with Paris Hilton?

Cracking pair of legs.
what daughter?

I really need to catch up on my 'merv' television!

Educate me Damo mate! A pic perhaps?? ;)
nish said:
what daughter?

I really need to catch up on my 'merv' television!

Educate me Damo mate! A pic perhaps?? ;)

i meant lionel ritchie's daughter, nicole ritchie. The 'burd' whos on 'a simple life' :D

A crap pic here:

Its wierd how sparse the internet is of good pics of her.
i was gonna have a look at 'that' Paris video. Till someone told me it was in green army type james bond night type vision.
nish said:
i was gonna have a look at 'that' Paris video. Till someone told me it was in green army type james bond night type vision.

There is a clear & colour version knocking about ( no pun intented) but it's a little more difficult to track down.
Willi said:
nish said:
i was gonna have a look at 'that' Paris video. Till someone told me it was in green army type james bond night type vision.

There is a clear & colour version knocking about ( no pun intented) but it's a little more difficult to track down.

Really?! Classic! Ill be on the lookout for that! :P