Is there much construcktion work in Ibiza???


New Member
Am a quallified tradesman(carpenter/Joiner) and am thinking of moveing to Ibiza next June possiably not coming back to Eng for a year or two,my question is is there much construction work over there on offer?
Theres allways construction going on somewhere on the island,..i actually met this german guy out there last season,...hes been there 16 years working on the construction site.

this guy was infact crazy,..he was a nightsman for a hostel near mine, often had chats with him,..usually drunken :lol: he was telling me he does a nightshift, finishes @ 8am,..then goes straight to work on the site till around 3pm then finally sleeps till he starts work again @ middnight :eek: :eek: .

to be fair this guy spoke spanish very well which i believe is a big factor, learn the languauge if u havent allready and im sure you'll find some work.
if you could do roadworks then i believe they are still planning on reconstructing the road that goes from San An to Ibiza Town...
Construction sector is the biggest employer of foreigner workers

NEARLY 21 per cent of the 40'998 foreign workers inscribed in the social security register in the Balearics are employed in the construction sector, according to the latest figures from the ministry of labour.
At the end of last February, 69 per cent of the foreign workers in the Balearics (28'324 persons) were inscribed in the general social security register as employees, 21.9 per cent (9'009 persons) were self employed, 6.3 per cent (2'620 persons) were home helps, 2.3 per cent (970) worked in agriculture and 0.1 per cent (75 persons) in fishing.

After construction, the highest number of foreign workers, 5'335, was to be found in the hotel sector, representing 13 per cent of the total, followed at a distance by commerce and car repairs (3'948 or 9.6 per cent of the total).

As to nationalities, the ministry said that 42.5 per cent of the workers, 17'422 persons, belong to European Union countries and the remaining 23'576 or 57.5 per cent, are from outside the European Union.

The biggest group of foreign workers in the Balearics is the Germans, with 15.9 per cent (6'545 persons), nearly half of whom are self employed.
The second largest group is from Morocco (12.8 per cent or 5'264 workers), followed by Ecuador (9.3 per cent or 3'845 persons).
The British account for nine per cent of the total with 3'692 workers, the report said.
