Is Space Moving?

Scanty Sandwich

Active Member
So just landed back uk side after 2 weeks in pdb..A local spanish barman seems pretty convinced that Space is moving to privilege next summer,with the ibiza rocks peeps moveing in to pdb to space, i really hope not!!
the only thing that's currently sure is that there will be some movement at some point. who/where/when...we'll find out soon.
Now that would be shit can't understand the thinking of kicking space out of that emmm space !!!! Stupid Ibiza politics at work again
space's contract with the owner of the land (matutes, who else) finishes 31.10.2016. latest after that, change will come.
I knew that pepe rosello's lease was up next year didn't know what date I guess the matutes will run the club themselves or pimp it out to someone pretty sad considering what pepe has done with the club over the 25+ years for someone else to come in and take over it will be a sad day for Ibiza if that happens