Is Liam Fox Gay?

Thoughts are that I'm wondering why people are chattering about this kinda stuff.

Does anyone mind who he fu(ks?
Thoughts are that I'm wondering why people are chattering about this kinda stuff.

Does anyone mind who he fu(ks?

Speculation that he has, in general, voted against gay rights, might make it relevant to his integrity as a politician. But in as much as whether anyone should think any more or less of him, dependent on where he like to put it? Quite, who cares?
I guess it's kinda relevant if he voted against gay rights - but at the same time, it's a heck of a journey for any middle aged man to go through and many get to that point through a phase of denial and self loathing.

I say give him a break.

...and I'm bored of ranting against politicians anyway. When I said I'm never voting again, I meant it.
While studying medicine at Glasgow University in the early 1980s, Fox resigned his position on the university's Students Representative Council (SRC) in protest at the council passing a motion condemning the decision of the university's Glasgow University Union (GUU) not to allow a gay students society to join the union. The SRC motion called both the union's decision and the explanations given for it "bigoted". The GUU maintained its stance regardless and the controversy was reported in the national media while leading to many other university student unions up and down the country, including Edinburgh, cutting ties with their Glasgow counterparts. Explaining his decision to resign from the SRC and support the GUU's position, Fox was quoted as saying "I'm actually quite liberal when it comes to sexual matters. I just don't want the gays flaunting it in front of me, which is what they would do." When asked about the controversy in 2008, Fox remarked that "fortunately most of us have progressed from the days when we were students more than a quarter of a century ago".[4]

Although the italic bit appears to be admitting the bolded bit was stupid.....
Not at all surprising though.

All homophobia either comes from fears around not being 'man' enough (whatever the fook that means) or denial of sexual urges.

I probably called my peers gay (in its derogatory sense) in the school playground. :lol:
Don't know this bloke but, in America the loudest shouters end up being in the closet and end up getting outed in some pay for play hotel room scandal. If you don't want to come out don't rail against gay people.
Good to read he realises his original remarks were not acceptable.

Maybe I'm being thick but does any of the stuff posted insinuate he's gay? I am happy to get smashed with folks 20 years my junior:lol::lol:

The strangest unravelling of this MP is gay scandal type story was the Welsh MP on Clapham Common who had his car nicked:eek:
The story is nothing to do with his sexuality though. His best man works in defence consulting and organises introductions to contractors and the like, has no official post yet has been attending all these meetings for a reason no one seems to be able to define. Clear conflict of interest going on & how Dr Fox could not see this is crazy.

Must be another angle, i.e it is essentially his partner attending like a wife, but thats not what will do for him.