Is It Worth It, !!!!!!!!


New Member
Ever Since I was yay high, I've Wanted to go to ibzia,
I love dance music and ive seen that as the place to go for it all,
so ive being thinking about it for a long time,
waiting until im 18 which is next may , so looking to go around august time with mates,

I've been looking through the post and people are saying Ibzia is not all that anymore, it's to expensive,

so all i ask is it not worth it anymore?
Is it too much money ?

I look as it is the best that is why it cost a lot,

also some websites for package holidays would be good too please.
a bit of advice

If you are on a bit of a budget i would suggest end of june , as a lot of students come out then as prices are quite reasonable and all clubs will be open xx try for cheap flights.:lol: san antonio bay apartments ,usually have some great deals at that time of the year. there is a link on this website to check out prices..if you need any further info pm me:lol:
Hi Neil, It was my first time in ibiza this year so i cant compare prices of previous years. I first came out at the end of june and found prices generally everywhere alot cheaper than in august i dont actually think its that expensive. The Big clubs are where your money is gunna go i dont mind paying between 30 to 60€ for good club night, but the drinks are ridiculously over priced expect to be paynig around 7-10€ just for bottle of water and much higher prices for spirits etc. It does make it really hard for you to remain drunk for 6/7 hours while partying non-stop when you cant afford the prices and you dont take illegals like me.
But non the less, there is no where quite like ibiza just hit a few bars before hand and your garanteed a quality time. plus there is also loads of cheap entry tickets/wristbands etc going around.

yes in most the bars you can get 1 pint of lager for around 2.5 euros, and a decent meal for less then 10 euros, its only the clubs that are expensive has long as you only to do a few big club nights you will be fine :lol:
I've been looking through the post and people are saying Ibzia is not all that anymore, it's to expensive,
Who's saying that?! Yes, the clubbers among us moan about the clubs' drink prices but that's just human nature! (and we've been doing it for years :lol:) And yes, there were a few controversies this summer with the authorities tightening enforcement of licensing laws, but for every bar that closes there's 10 more that could take its place.

If you read through the trip reviews here ( I think you'll find the vast majority of us had a raging good time on the island this summer.

So get planning. 2nd-half June is a wonderful time to go (and not just for students, Sue! :lol:). It's just warm enough without being oppresively hot, it's just full enough without being overcrowded, and some of the hotels and other establishment haven't jacked up their prices to high-season level yet.

As Sue said, there's plenty of places where you can have a filling decent meal for 10 euros, or a lunchtime snack for 5. Or you can go out for a gorgeous 50 euro/person Mediterranean dinner. It's all up to you and your budget.

The clubs are expensive but some of the parties you can attend are definitely worth it.... just plan & budget ahead of time using this site's party calendar. Plus, there are always alternative and free parties that sometimes have some of the same big name DJs (take a look at this thread:

I'm with Johnny M. We all like to have a moan but at the end of the day it's the best holiday your likely to have if you like clubbing. We went during peak season in July/August this year and would never go then again. The year before we were there in the middle of June when it was a little quieter and the drinks were a little cheaper in some of our favourite bars.

You can pick up plenty of tips on the site about saving a few euros.
I save all year to go to Ibiza- it means that much! It is expensive but I would take quality (Ibiza) over quantity (hundreds of bars and clubs in Magaluf or Corfu) anytime!!
not just students

yes of course june 15th onwards is a great time.. not just students of course , i meant it is popular with students just cause the unis shut around then... but many people of all ages love june.. most reapeaters tend to come end of june and 1st 2 weeks of september:lol: ibiza is great anytime xxxxx
we hung pout at the beach during the day for a few hours in san antonio, theres a lot of people going about giving out free tickets to clubs if you go before 1, you get a free drink on entry, saved us a few bob. just go to the pubs before hand for the drinks offers.

but u have to go to ibiza!! go on this site before hand for whats on when give you an idea of prices of where you want to go.
It seems that i got it all wrong and Ibzia is still the place to go,
which means i shall be other next year,
during the end of june as it seems that is a good time to go and a bit cheaper,
as its my 1st year as well prop best not go during it being really busy,
and then save for the next year go during peak,