Is it going to be safe going out on 27th june

Joe Simpson

New Member
if there are any late job and accomidation vacancies around the 27th june it would be nice if any one can inform me ill take anything. :eek:
u will find both accom and a job.. people will leave jobs to go back home throughou the season too - happened loads last year... so u'll have no problem 8)
Nice one

Cheers for the words of confidence i have been worried. Have you heard of people not getting jobs and it all going 'pete tong' or does that only happen to morons.
a few years ago u would have had to come in may or even april to starting working... the place would kick off big time at the beginning of may usually but tourism has gone downhill and people leave jobs cause they can't afford to stay out there or they can't find a job that pays enough... i'm not saying finding a job or accom will be easy but u should be ok if ur willing to push yourself. i personally wouldn't do that - i don't think its worth going out there to torture yourself but each to their own m8... and i think going out in june now is more or less the right time cause that when the clubs start to open and hopefully tourism numbers will increase so might hit a lucky jackpot and end up with a decent job with decent pay... goodluck
Yeah I guess few years ago ibiza had much more non-eu tourists...

Well I hope I hit the jackpot and come in the right time which is sunday and I hope for you aswell and for joe :)

ps:I'm ok with a low pay job since I'm coming with 1300-1600euros
even 500 a month is good for me.
We´ve bin here since April, and it was absolutley dead wen we frist arrived... Its has picked up big style since then (San Antonio mainly) and there seems to be tonnes of jobs about. We live in Playa Dén Bossa and its still a bit quiet here, that is until Space threw open its doors and everyone came out fo the woodwork (and tried to crawl back in on Monday morning!) Ibiza Town doesnt seem to offer much in the way of jobs for summer workers, if anything, despite the clubs now being open.

As always the Ship in San An has the biggest selection of jobs on the board, give it a look.
i would have thought it would be realyl hard to get a job outside san an if u don't speak spanish?? i would love to have lived in ibiza town or playa den bossa but it just seems inconvenient for me and expensive too..

what is the job situation like in san an? i heard there are only pr jobs going that are commision based pay only.. ya should be ok mosh - get ur face around the place and let people become familiar with you and u should have no problems getting a job building a social relationship with people...
I bought a boot to learn spanish hehe but I doubt I'll read it properly...I really want to learn spanish but it should be hard.