Is good customer service a thing of the past?


Active Member
This week;

Tried to upgrade sky package online to watch US Open (saves £5 upgrading online). Web site was continually crashing, internal server error, phoned up and was told "Not my fault gov, upgrade online if you want the £5 off or lump it" in as many words.

Today tried to book a travelodge online, server continually rejecting card. Phoned up to make the reservation, instead of £47 per night would be full price of £108, didn't even get to speak to living breathing homo sapien despite best efforts! Phoned bank who confirmed payment authentication issues, should be resolved within an hour:rolleyes:

Replacement phone supposed to be delivered yesterday, left note pinned to the door "In office through side gate; mobile 0755xxxxxx thanks". Phone not delivered, when the phone didn't arrive yesterday I phoned the courier company who said the driver would be back first thing today. When I phoned today, was told phone returned to sender.

If I were not off to Ibiza on Fri, would be pretty grumpy by now:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I agree customer service has gone away. I hate the automated phone systems and that companies only discount if you book on line.
Customer service is generally non existent amongst the big organizations, its all about making money to them and quite simply if you don't like it go somewhere else.

In my job I pride myself on good customer service, its what keeps me busy and comments from customers to my bosses which in turn means pay rise for c00kie :lol:

Its not hard, but on the scale I work at its easy, as its nearly always face to face contact I have with my customers. I build up a rapport with all my customers and nearly all of them all say they come back because of the high level of service I give 8)
On the flipside to the negativity, good customer service definitely still exists, its just we always are too quick to make public our greivances rather than rewarding people who do give us good service.
On the flipside to the negativity, good customer service definitely still exists, its just we always are too quick to make public our greivances rather than rewarding people who do give us good service.

There is also the very valid argument that we have created the situation (of poor customer service) by using the cheapest possible goods and services. A few years ago I moved all insurance policies (car x 2, house building and contents) to a local broker having had a bad experience with an online firm regarding a missed renewal notice. Over the next few years as the difference in renewal quotes for insurance became larger our various insurances drifted back to online only firms. There was a finite amount more I was willing to pay simply to be able to deal with a real person.
We as consumer are at fault with the decline of customer service. We want the cheapest accept self service as the norm. The self service has increased corporate profits and dropped the number of people that need to be employed. The starter jobs the were there for the less skilled to get into the work force are now a thing of the past.
Had the following reply today from well known high street department store customer services dept.
I had sent samples to their 'Travel accessories purchasing department' (quite specific as they had asked for them to be sent to this dept) and followed up 2 weeks later with email to customer services asking if there was an email address for 'purchasing dept' to chase it up

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email.
Regrettably we do not have a number or an email address for this department, however if you contact our Press & Promotions team on 0207 ******* they should be able to provide you with this.
We wish you a pleasant day.
Kind regards,

so there is the answer..if you ever have a query don't ask 'customer services' get in touch with press and promotions instead
I have been moaning about this the last couple of weeks, wherever I go lately the customer service seems to be crap! I've noticed it a lot in the supermarkets.

Sky though I haven't done too badly with, if I don't get an offer I just cancel and they usually work something out.
I gave exemplary service when I worked at Sainsbury's. I've noticed in London it always seemed very forced when I went shopping or whatever.

Santander have given me great customer service in the past month, so I can't knock them.