Is anyone else having a really slow boring day?


Active Member
I am so tired today, was in London yesterday so up at 6am and didnt get back home last night till 11pm and then was too wired to go to bed before 1am.

Today, dragged my tired arse into work for 8.30am and I have done probably 3 bit of work, none of which needed urgent attention and now the day is dragging soooooooo much....

Bloody Easter holidays - seems everyone is off with the kids........:spank:

Terrible hangover here.

Out drinking champagne, tequila and beer last night. Why oh why was that a good idea?

Am like a dirty tramp all unshaven and doubled over my desk today. :lol:

Terrible hangover here.

Out drinking champagne, tequila and beer last night. Why oh why was that a good idea?

Am like a dirty tramp all unshaven and doubled over my desk today. :lol:

Yeah? that's acceptable for a Friday tho - I was at The Mermaid Centre at Puddle Dock yesterday (the best name for a street ever!!!) drank several bottles of beer after my meeting then a 1/2 btle of rank wine courtesy of NE Railways on the way back...
No me too. It is hell.

Loads of problems with bosses not understanding day to day work. Had loads of redundancies since September due to US markets and so loads of us keep getting asked same questions by people we have never heard off who are 'streamlining and centralising' workflow! Basically getting rid of others to save their own scrawny necks!!

My boss (i use the word very loosely!) jumped ship few months back and a few of us have no-one to report too so every boss here is piling on the work to us but as soon as there is a problem they say I can't really help as i'm not your boss!

People have complained to personnel but they say 'things are a bit up in the air at the moment'. Up in the air!!!! Anymore up in the air i'd be part of the fcukin Red Arrows!!

To make matters worse I am struggling to contact 'my man' prior to tomorrow night's knees up! I suppose that is my real concern/worry. Redunancy I can deal with - Sh1t gear I can't!!!;):evil:

Phew glad I got that little rant of my chest!:D
No me too. It is hell.

Loads of problems with bosses not understanding day to day work. Had loads of redundancies since September due to US markets and so loads of us keep getting asked same questions by people we have never heard off who are 'streamlining and centralising' workflow! Basically getting rid of others to save their own scrawny necks!!

My boss (i use the word very loosely!) jumped ship few months back and a few of us have no-one to report too so every boss here is piling on the work to us but as soon as there is a problem they say I can't really help as i'm not your boss!

People have complained to personnel but they say 'things are a bit up in the air at the moment'. Up in the air!!!! Anymore up in the air i'd be part of the fcukin Red Arrows!!

To make matters worse I am struggling to contact 'my man' prior to tomorrow night's knees up! I suppose that is my real concern/worry. Redunancy I can deal with - Sh1t gear I can't!!!;):evil:

Phew glad I got that little rant of my chest!:D

Yay - I feel a bit better now........ at least I havent got a stress laden day....
Tell me about it.....
Got home at 5.30am from a Bambuddha Grove party for a friends birthday.
Was meant to get up again at 6.30am to drive over to Ibiza Town to pick my son up from the babysitter and take him to school.
Somehow automatically turned my alarm off and went back to sleep.:confused:
Phone call at 7.30am from the babysitter who was off to work.
Quickly drive over to Santa Eulalia and pick him up from her work.
I'm normally a bit more together than this.
Just about getting a clear head now.
right does anyone understand shares? and can they help me......

its just monopoly money to me and I dont pretend to either care about the why's and wherefores - I only want to know what the cash outcome is every 6 months......

It doesn't really work like that.
Buying shares is a bit of a gamble.
You are buying a part of a company, but the value can go up or down.
There is also a difference in the price you can buy them for and sell them for. So you have to have a substantial rise in their value to make any significant gain.
Some of the larger companys do give you an annual payment called a dividend on any stock you hold, but this tends to be only a small amount.
No me too. It is hell.

Loads of problems with bosses not understanding day to day work. Had loads of redundancies since September due to US markets and so loads of us keep getting asked same questions by people we have never heard off who are 'streamlining and centralising' workflow! Basically getting rid of others to save their own scrawny necks!!

My boss (i use the word very loosely!) jumped ship few months back and a few of us have no-one to report too so every boss here is piling on the work to us but as soon as there is a problem they say I can't really help as i'm not your boss!

People have complained to personnel but they say 'things are a bit up in the air at the moment'. Up in the air!!!! Anymore up in the air i'd be part of the fcukin Red Arrows!!

To make matters worse I am struggling to contact 'my man' prior to tomorrow night's knees up! I suppose that is my real concern/worry. Redunancy I can deal with - Sh1t gear I can't!!!;):evil:

Phew glad I got that little rant of my chest!:D

do u work in my office by anychance.

saying that, ive had the arse with my boss for the last week, as again, im the only designer left, and he seems to have made a decision not to employ a new person to replace the one just gone... was typing up CV yesterday amd low and behold, he said im due an appraisal which i reminded him i aint had one for 2yrs not the 1 that he thought... keeerching!
It doesn't really work like that.
Buying shares is a bit of a gamble.
You are buying a part of a company, but the value can go up or down.
There is also a difference in the price you can buy them for and sell them for. So you have to have a substantial rise in their value to make any significant gain.
Some of the larger companys do give you an annual payment called a dividend on any stock you hold, but this tends to be only a small amount.

Ive got loads but cant work out how much they're worth is the problem...
Ive got loads but cant work out how much they're worth is the problem...

Best way to do it is gather up all your share certificates and send them to these people.

They will see what you have and look after them for you. They give you a constant value online so you can just click on their site and see what there worth that paticular day.
Also you can sell them with them at pretty low commision rates.
Over here to.........bored to death!

Biggest issue is I leave my current employment in 5/6 weeks so everyday is a we are at year end and preparing for audit so never the most exciting time of the year.

And to top it off I had an outburst yesterday in a meeting with my boss (basically told a few home truths) and things are a little sour today (truth hurts) so she is being a little childish today in her actions :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:!

Roll on 22 May!
Great day. Been running, done some yoga, stolen some music off the internet, confirmed plans for my grandparents 60th/Diamond wedding anniversary meal at the weekend and bought some new coffee.
do u work in my office by anychance.

saying that, ive had the arse with my boss for the last week, as again, im the only designer left, and he seems to have made a decision not to employ a new person to replace the one just gone... was typing up CV yesterday amd low and behold, he said im due an appraisal which i reminded him i aint had one for 2yrs not the 1 that he thought... keeerching!

What do you reckon???

One of my many 'bosses' wants to catch up :)roll: pretend to look after staff to save own scrawny neck :rolleyes: every week for an update and resolve any issues. The bloke can't even get me access to the systems I need as he is not 'a' manager never mind mine! I may as well email you my issues as probably got a better chance of getting them resolved!!

Think it's just a bad day. Nothing ever bothers me usually especially not work - que sera sera and all that. However my little girl had a reaction to her MMR jabs so had take her hospital day before yesterday and all ok now but suppose that little worry didn't help but puts things like access to certain systems a lot lower on the importance level!
Great day. Been running, done some yoga, stolen some music off the internet, confirmed plans for my grandparents 60th/Diamond wedding anniversary meal at the weekend and bought some new coffee.

Ok...I'm inspired.
Putting the ipod on and going for a run.
Tell me about it.....
Got home at 5.30am from a Bambuddha Grove party for a friends birthday.
Was meant to get up again at 6.30am to drive over to Ibiza Town to pick my son up from the babysitter and take him to school.
Somehow automatically turned my alarm off and went back to sleep.:confused:
Phone call at 7.30am from the babysitter who was off to work.
Quickly drive over to Santa Eulalia and pick him up from her work.
I'm normally a bit more together than this.
Just about getting a clear head now.

Can we swop lives, please :lol:
Great week in work and a great day today, arrived in work @ 9.30am, checked emails, responded to a few, made a few phone calls,done a bit of typing, went for a cappuchino and bagel in the cafe next door, back to the office,surfed the net, went for lunch with my good friend Lisa in
which comes highly recommended, had lunch which was lovely and 2 glasses of white wine, back to the office, messed about online, think ill go home early today as well, have a nice g of proper sherbet in the sky rocket as well none of the usual rubbish you get here ;), will mee the lads and go watch the local team play later and then takle it as it comes, probably back to mine later where ill no doubt play a disco house set.:)

Happy Friday :twisted:;)
No not really... i just woke up, have today off and have to plan where i'm going to go meet my friend for lunch! :lol: