iPhone 4


Active Member
hi guys i'm thinking of buying a new phone and i've taken a liking to the iPhone4. has anyone got one and if so what do you think of them? also what are they like at recording video's where there is loud music i.e. in a club? is the sound clear of does the bass cut straight through it?
thanks in advance :)
I've got an iPhone 4. They are ok, but they aren't the best phone out there.
'Jack of all trades, master of none.'
It's battery life under moderate use will last a day, a day and a half if you are lucky.

Video is good, however. Sound is generally very clear. Only time I've had noticed it struggle is in MoS, but even then, the rest of the song was just about audible.
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I've always got the latest Iphone on release date but didnt bother with the Iphone 4.
It is a quality phone but not enough differents between that and the 3Gs to warrant getting it for me.
If you don't already have an iphone then i would recommend it, all depends what you want from a phone really.
Just released in UK: HTC Sensation 4G.
It will kick an iPhone's backside anytime.

Been holding out to see what HTC were releasing. The rise to prominence of HTC is remarkable. I had never heard of them before getting my ty tn II.
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Just watched the launch video. This is one mega phone. Anyone buying an iphone instead of this baby needs locking up!

Dual core processor:twisted:


"Have you ever held a thunderstorm in your hand?"
The videos in HD off the iphone4 are great, sound is pretty good quality too unlike some of my old phones where at a gig etc with loud music it would be distorted.
i'm quite an impulsive person so holding out may not be an option!
Good thing, because you'd have to hold out for a while. Word on the street is they're moving from the annual June update to an autumn schedule this year.

Also, no major design changes in the iPhone 5 aside from an improved processor, antenna and camera. http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/18/iphone-5-to-have-8-megapixel-camera-and-improved-antenna-same-o/

The HTC Sensation will still kick it's ass ;)
That's a bit gutting if that's the case.
Have kept my iPhone in pristine condition so I can sell the thing when I am done with it, and get a new phone.
Wanted a newer phone for Ibiza.
HTC Desire HD.

fecking huge 4.3" screen. 720px HD video, 8MP camera, dual LED Flash....

only downside is the 'size' and its thirst for power...
HTC Desire HD.

fecking huge 4.3" screen. 720px HD video, 8MP camera, dual LED Flash....

only downside is the 'size' and its thirst for power...

Power thirst is an issue with all modern smart phones.

I remember my old Nokia 3410. Used to run for a week on one charge.
HTC Desire HD.

fecking huge 4.3" screen. 720px HD video, 8MP camera, dual LED Flash....

only downside is the 'size' and its thirst for power...
The Sensation 4G has all that and more, mate. Check it out. I am seriously drooling over the thing.

Only thing holding me back is I'm not sold on Android for my business needs (iPhone is even worse in that regard)