iPad Help


Well-Known Member
Spotlight techgeeks to the rescue please.

Getting the missus an iPad for her birthday. Do I want the wifi one? What differences will the 32gb to 64gb bring etc.

All decent advice repaid in beer and bad jokes.

I thangew.
Does it have to be an ipad mate?? A lot of good competion around at the moment.. The samsung galaxy tablet is doing well and the Asus Eee has been getting rave reviews. Both incidentally support flash player if she'e mainly a surfer and both a lot less expensive... Just an idea...
Does it have to be an ipad mate?? A lot of good competion around at the moment.. The samsung galaxy tablet is doing well and the Asus Eee has been getting rave reviews. Both incidentally support flash player if she'e mainly a surfer and both a lot less expensive... Just an idea...

Nah, she's after an iPad. What the lady wants.....
iPad or iPad 2?

How much music does she listen to? (In size)
Is it the same few albums over and over? How much music does she have on a PC?

How often does she watch videos on the train, or around the house using as laptop?
iPad or iPad 2?

How much music does she listen to? (In size)
Is it the same few albums over and over? How much music does she have on a PC?

How often does she watch videos on the train, or around the house using as laptop?

Size of music - don't know but she's constantly listening to new acts for her job

She's her journey to work has just moved from 15 mins to 1.5 hrs and she'd deffo watch stuff then. Most of this journey would be underground though - can she download to watch?

She would also used around the house as a laptop....
I'd struggle to advise the 64GB iPad. So long as she cleared off some of the crap that build up over time, it'd be fine.

She can download the movies through iTunes. You can use ones acquired from other sources, but they need to be converted to the correct format