Intensive Driving Courses


Well-Known Member
Anybody pass their test using one of these or know anybody that has?

Considering looking into it as I'm looking to pass my test as soon as possible. Wondering if it's a decent way to do it or am I best just going down the old school route of being patient and having a lesson or two a week?
Anybody pass their test using one of these or know anybody that has?

Considering looking into it as I'm looking to pass my test as soon as possible. Wondering if it's a decent way to do it or am I best just going down the old school route of being patient and having a lesson or two a week?

If you are already well versed with the highway code and your only problem is the practicality of driving a car then i personally see no reason for not going down such a route to getting a drivers license. Expense wise i' don't know how much cost would be involved but then again perhaps you could treat it like as if you were on a holiday the only difference being that whilst when the holiday is over you've only got memories. Atleast by taking a intensive driving course it could earn you your driving license but then again choose a reputable driving School and if possible do a google search for such Schools in your region or Country which have above average pass rates.

Good luck;)
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i dont know how true this is but i got told that they have lower pass rates than normal. they send you to a town you dont really know the roads of and you have your test there. if you done it in the town you know you can just focus on your driving and not havin to worry about the roads that you dont really know that you are driving on .

if that makes sense