
make sure ur covered for working - think backpackers insurance is the best as apposed to normal holiday insurance.
it covers u for everythiing u may do backpacking - this includes working - but before u pay for any insurance, call them up and ask if youll be covered. Ive just got £7 of insurance for my 8day holiday (from 1st july) and then ill buy backpackers if i stay on the island. - think its around £45 from 1st july-31s october cant mem which company thou.
if you work legally on the island you are covered for all medical care throught the spanish national health service
if you work legally on the island you are covered for all medical care throught the spanish national health service

but thats very basic ' think most spanish ppl have priate care cos it doesnt cover for things like breaking a leg, calling an ambulance out ' if you break your leg U have to pay for it ' the public insurance is really basic. still get insurance.
steve you're completely wrong in every single aspect of your post. every one! most spanish people do not have private health care because the national health service is extremely good.