
holly B

New Member
just wondering if anyone has any advice on insurance companies that do a good deal for a 5 month package?

everywhere iam looking its over £100 just wonderin if anyone knew of anything cheaper.

look forward 2 hearing u all :D
zaax said:
what are you insururing?

you need to get insurance in case you have an accident, get broken into, get mugged ect if you end up in hospital and dont have insurance it will cost you a fortune! i cut my leg last year and ended up having to get stiches in it 80 euros with insurance would of cost alot more without

we ended up paying 64 pound on insure and go (gold cover) it pays your first 60 euros if you end up in hospital as well and covers you for everything! :D :D
zaax where was u born mate? if u die it will coz your parents like thousonds of pounds more than 100 .... they will neet to take out a second morg on there house .....