Info on any clubs/events in Europe?


Active Member
Hello fellow Ibiza spotlighters.

I need help from my international folks that are living in Europe.

My close friends are traveling there in a few weeks. They would like to know if there are any clubs to go to or events out there (involving house music).

Here's their schedule:

- Prague: 11/17 - 11/20
- Budapest: 11/20 - 11/24
- Barcelona: 11/24 - 11/26

If you know of any information or can link me to where I can get specific information for those locations and dates, please let me know. Whether here or pm me.

Thanks so much everyone,
Alex :)
There are a couple of threads with good discussions of Barca clubbing, so use the search tool for that one.

Haven't been to Budapest and it's been ages since Prague, but you could always check out listings on Resident Advisor.