I'm so confused. Amnesia Get Into Summer 2002


New Member
Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on this forum. What's up everyone?

Ok I have a question. I was trying to organize my music today and ran into something very confusing. For some reason on my Amnesia Get Into Summer 2002 cd's the tracklist is wrong. On each cd, the first three songs are different and accurate to the trackliting. But then on track 4, the songs become the same (kind of). All the songs on CD 2 are the same as CD 1 except different mixes and versions. On the tracklist the songs should all be different. I went online to see if I could find out why but couldn't find anything. One thing I did find is that alot of profiles for DJ Ladida cite this compilation as a reference for her song "Life master" but it's not even on my version of the CD! It is in the tracklist though.

I don't know if that makes any sense but I was wondering if anyone else has this CD and could help sort this out for me. Thanks all!