im looking


A word of advice, im not trying to be condacending here...

But, honestly, no bar, club or owner of anything is going to trawl these sites for a DJ... Would you hire someone off a recomendation (from yourself!) on a website!?!?

The only way, you will ever get work on Ibiza doing what you want is by getting there in April and shamelessly plugging yourself to anyone that will listen.
The likelyhood is you will not be paid for your work until you get a name for yourself.

Oh, and drop the 'Pumpin' house thing too... infact any precursor to 'House' including jackin, funky, techy anything, it sounds like you're an 18 year old bedroom DJ...
and if you "introduce" ibiza to scouse house, half of the people there will come hunting for your blood ;)

Its just terrible cheese!