I'm ACTUALLY going ibiza!!!!!


New Member
hey all,

its just beginning to dawn on me that i'm actually finally going ibiza and its not just a pissed up dream......so i was looking for a bit of helpful advice from you hardcore regular ibiza heads to an ibiza virgin!

these questions might seem really stupid or obvious but please can you just hummor me!!!!!??????

i've got an irish passport, do i still need an NIE number to work???
is there any kind of dress-code in the clubs over there?????
and what are the hours like for pr'ing and bar work???? any days off or is that just a miff?????

cheers guys,

ps there is a beer in it for any helpful souls!!!!!!!

dave xxxxxxx


i can answer a few of your questions Dave,

With the NIE number, it would help if you have one, but apparently there are alot of workers working without them! so you should be fine, you just have to settle for pr work i suppose!

And with the dress code - apparently u can get in clubs just wearing boardshorts. But i suggest you put your best threads on for the ladies :)

i dont know about the hours side of things, but i juts posted this so ud by me a beer! ehehehheehhehehehe

speak to u soon
hey, i wasnt goin to work this year but have been changing my mind gradually ever since i decided i wasnt goin so i will prob b there too! most prob beg july if i go. right bac to your question :D nie no's are useful as they help you get a lisence and stop your bosses from gettin fined therefore your more lilkely to get job quicker and more easily with one. its not hard to get it, you just go que up at police station in ibiza town for a few hours, take a pasport and some passport photos. if you ask around when you get there someone should be able to help you with it.

dress code, erm whatever really i never saw ibiza as a place with any restrictions!

hours for pr work vary. places like the west end in san an you could be workin 7 days and 8 hours and till 4 or later in mornin. tho i suppose the plus is that you get your days free. (so you can sleep!) worth lookin around as i think if you pr for clubs you get better hours and a day or two off. i did pr for cafe mambo and worked 7 days to begin with but it was changed in the end so we got a day off and we did a couple of hours in the afternoon and got to finish at a decent hour at the night.

hope this helps and i havent just rambled on as usual! :D

when you headin out?

p.s can i have a vodka and fanta lemon instead of a beer? :D