Illegals taxis?


New Member
Hey all,

Don't think this has been asked, but i searched and couldn't find anything. I know it's not wise to take an illegal taxi, but my question is how do you know which ones are legal and which are not?? Aside from calling one from the book to your hotel/apartment, how can you tell? Now I might not have noticed when I was jumping into the cabs my first time on the island to notice signs or whatnot, but can anyone give me some info?

There's hundreds of them, there's no clues as such. Look out for people driving on their own especially around clubs, (usually in their 20's) and if you're lucky more often than not they'll be a dodgy cab. It's the only way to get about in August unless you like queuing for hours to wait for licensed taxis. Most of them are nice people :D
taxi !!!!!

I'm not sure but I should know by now - 2 years ago me and a mate got lost (don't ask) - a car came along with 2 dodgy looking geezers in , we were so desperate we stuck our thumbs up- got in and we didn't have any money but told them if they stopped at a cash machine we would pay them- we were heading towards ibiza town so thought it would be no problem. The 2 guys could hardly speak english and every cash machine we stopped at had ran out of money, then THEY got lost , started getting really angry and shouting at us in a foreign language - me and my mate thought we might wee our pants at any minute :cry: - the journey took ages but ended safely ! Then last year we were going from san antonio bay to dc10,
took a dodgy taxi ( I know I know !) , didn't have enough money to pay him as he wanted stupid money , he took a knife out from the glove compartment and demanded my mates dkny watch, then dumped us in the middle of nowhere- scary but true folks! ahh those fond memories !
:cry: So not really answer to ur question but a warning to everybody !!!
I've now learnt my lesson you'll be glad to know :oops: but would also like to hear anybody elses tips/experiences?
Its really easy to tell which are the real taxis. they all look the same, and have little red & green lights in the window so you can tell if they are vacant or not ;)
Last year I got back from amnesia a few times with an iligal taxi. there where allways nice people who loved to take me back to San Antonio, as long as a payed them a good price. Never had any problems with them.
I'm not saying they're ALL knife weilding maniacs, just have your wits about you - especially if you're female and alone.
I'm trying to think back now if I did take illegal taxis my first trip... I don't think so bc they didn't demand a lot of money, had a price list, etc. Plus there were 4 of us and 1 of him. If he wanted to demand money or else threaten us, he wouldn't like the odds in that cab :)
illegal taxis are the blokes who walk up the taxi que asking if you want a lift home, they usually more expensive than taxis but we got one cheaper outside manumission. They were a nice couple who drove us, the woman spoke to us best she could,

they got a bit confussed when we got to the egg in san ann and i pointed to the car park and said we will get out here.... They started driving to san an bay"!!!!!! my girlfriend thought they were kidnapping us!!!! they thought that was were i was ponting instead of the car park!

Probably wouldnt get one again
I use real taxis when I've been, look for the green lights on their roofs. But I remember some random white guy who was about as much a taxi driver as I am a pickled walnut who was walking round and round outside the road near El Divino who was more or so demanding to take you somewhere. Never had a problem catching a real taxi in the month of September, best thing I found was to walk a little bit away from the clubs as the taxis are always coming towards them.
gecko2 said:
I use real taxis when I've been, look for the green lights on their roofs. But I remember some random white guy who was about as much a taxi driver as I am a pickled walnut who was walking round and round outside the road near El Divino who was more or so demanding to take you somewhere. Never had a problem catching a real taxi in the month of September, best thing I found was to walk a little bit away from the clubs as the taxis are always coming towards them.

you hit the nail on the head there, official taxis have little green lights on the roof. if its lit then you can flag it down.

Also real taxis are nice, Fake taxis look like they been transporting Livestock in the back!!
gecko2 said:
best thing I found was to walk a little bit away from the clubs as the taxis are always coming towards them.

not good advice when at privilege or amnesia, people have died doing this. sorry, had to say! :P
with the legal taxis, its the green light on top which means that they are vacant aint it?

i cant remember! :cry: 8O
all real taxis now have a meter which tells you the correct fare. they are always white with a number on the side given by the town hall of the area they are from.

illegal taxis are unlicensed and not insured to carry fare paying passengers
im got into one once outside privilege, payed 25 euros up front within seconds i was cacking it,the windows were all misted up and couldnt see for shit,he was driving down the road leading down from privielge knocking into parked cars, we told the guy to stop but he was determined to get us home,me and a mate thought f*** this so jumped out of the moving vehicle,better to have scabbed up knees than end up in a bodybag.
Would people think that getting in a nice car with a respectable looking English guy would be preferable to queueing for hours for a real taxi ?????

I know someone who's thinking of doing it in the summer outside the clubs and around the towns.
we got an illeagal one back to San An from Amnesia - and if the experience was the same I would do it again. Quite a nice guy who had already arranged a price with another couple, but had 2 seats to fill (think we got it cheaper after random bargaining ;) )

The guy obviously knew the score - kept offering us water, cigs and chewing gum ;)

Wouldn't get one on my own though and maybe not if there was more than one 'driver' - if you know what I mean :?
It all depends. Some are going to be fine, some are going to be dodgy.

I personally would rather wait a little bit longer for a taxi than risk getting mugged or worse.
JT said:
Would people think that getting in a nice car with a respectable looking English guy would be preferable to queueing for hours for a real taxi ?????

I know someone who's thinking of doing it in the summer outside the clubs and around the towns.

depends,we did that last year,guess where,outside privelege again :? the guy was off his tits,got home safely though.
2 Holiday Reps got in an illegal taxi last night and the car lost control and rolled over. They are both in hospital. The driver discharge himself and done a runner!