Ikoda Junior


Well-Known Member
So, as you all know from last Nov, I posted that I was due to be a Dad.

Here's a scan picture of Ikoda Junior. :)

Wow! Must all seem very real now! Congratulations! I think papa Buckley should step in to give the best advice at this stage as the latest spotlight father!
I second that Buckley should give some advice. My little one is 7 months old but I will give you tips if you want or need them. Congrats! to you and all the best to the three of you as I stated on facebook.
Amicable, that's kind of all there is to it at the moment. We get on really well, at least.
She lives 300 miles away, and I want to finish my degree before I decide to move anywhere (she wants me to finish it as well), which won't be until Sept 2014.
Hahaha, not that I'm aware of. His mother is determined he'll be a future rocker. I'm determined he'll be a future raver. But at the end of the day it's his choice.
Hahaha, not that I'm aware of. His mother is determined he'll be a future rocker. I'm determined he'll be a future raver. But at the end of the day it's his choice.

he's going to be the main act of ibiza123 rocktronic festival 2045.
Haha, if he is, Dad will be there alongside him. Can't wait to take him to the white isle. Be off having a family holiday day, but it'll give me more of a reason to explore the Island.
So, as you all know from last Nov, I posted that I was due to be a Dad.

Here's a scan picture of Ikoda Junior. :)

I received a little picture just like this by MMS a few days ago. Turns out I'm going to be an uncle again.
That was exciting. Probably even more so for you since it's yours!
So, I take it from pronoun usage it's definitely a boy?
He is indeed, found out before he was going to be a he the day before my first exam at the start of January.
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Congratulations Ben. It's a great thing no matter how unplanned. Will being you a load of happiness in years to come. :)
yep, congrats, kids changed my life, I hope they do for you in the same way. It's all good.
And by the by, I've always thought a good name for a boy was Andrew. All the best...rewdAn.