"If you was in Ibiza right now"-:)

Dave 1

New Member
What would you be doing?

As for myself at this hour i'd probably be enjoying myself after one two many:D mixing with the locals (and not the english ex-pats) over in Bar Tres Esquinas located in Es Canar.
Still i don't have too long to wait before i rekindle such Spiritual Vibrations as i'll be their in just a little over 360 hrs from posting this thread thus once again i'm :D

What would you be doing?

As for myself at this hour i'd probably be enjoying myself after one two many:D mixing with the locals (and not the english ex-pats) over in Bar Tres Esquinas located in Es Canar.
Still i don't have too long to wait before i rekindle such Spiritual Vibrations as i'll be their in just a little over 360 hrs from posting this thread thus once again i'm :D


360 hours or 36?!!
I'd still be up, chilling somewhere after the mayhem that is Cream @ Amnesia


(If i remember correctly this would be the morning i felt a little bit eughhhhh, dragged myself to the pool where it was extra bl**dy hot and topped up the tan ready 8))
lol this forum has to be the most anal when it comes to grammar and spelling lol

I like it though, makes me feel as if im amongst 'intelligent' people ;) :lol:
One of my pet hate alongside " I would of..." :spank:
Me too. Along with the growing inappropriate use of reflexive pronouns (esp. in UK)

If you and myself was in Ibiza right now, what do you think we would of done?
It's not a question of being anal, it's just plain wrong and doesn't sound right. Unfortunately these days it's becoming the norm as very often expressions like this are widely used in mainstream radio and TV shows. :-/
At this moment, probably sitting on a beach somewhere sipping beer under an umbrella.

Later on tonight? Clubbing, of course!

A nice dinner somewhere in between

Probably having a light lunch (Breakfast on some days). Chicken or a fish salad with a small side of fries washed down with a white/red Rioja. Off then to the beach for an afternoon snooze to the mellow tunes emitting from the various beach front bars.

Ahh Bliss.

Instead of that I'm going to work in 2 hours till midnight tonight:evil:.