If you could live in Ibiza what would you do????


Well-Known Member
OK, so a lot of us dream of making the big move, but what would your dream gig be? Serious answers only we would all love a life time of parties in Ibiza :lol:
For me, I would be a pool cleaner, working outdoors. Quick check of chem levels and away I go to the next house mon to fri with the odd tuesday morning off after cocoon ;)
Bringing my kids up in an amazing environment compared to Nottingham and enjoying the simple life of "enjoying life" rather then needing new cars, mortgages and fancy clothes when the beauty of Ibiza is there to explore in your spare time and enjoying the more relaxed and slow lifestyle compared to here in the UK.
We would rent a villa in the hills above San An, so I could work from home during the day,and walk down in the evening to visit our friends,
or if we won the big lottery I would want to buy a few villas in a row,if the owners agreed to sell for double or triple their houses value, and have a fence built around it all,so we would live their all year,but the family could visit for holidays,but the grandkids could walk between the houses safely,
we would also rent out rooms for the more mature british people,who would love to experience the real island,not just the nightclubs, and they could feel relaxed as we would be able to talk to them completely in English, although we would learn Spanish,so we would be able to live on the island fulltime ourselves,
For a few years I did a lot of online marketing but also a lot of PR work in the nightclub industry (running campaigns, managing staff etc etc) so if I was to do it now I would probably try and get more involved in those kind of things during the summer and then work on my online marketing during the winter....eventually I guess I would have to grow up and work away from the nightclub scene.
Probably a musician somewhere, there seems to be a small market for session players of various instruments in bars from what I've seen so bring a few things with me and play when are where required.

As much as I don't agree with them I'd play in a covers band if needed.
Would probably also look for some kind of day time job as well.
we saw a great 3 piece band at Sunset Ashram last week. drummer , bassist then the front guy played loads of different instruments including some weird ones!!
Probably bar manager or something. Wouldn't want to be directly people facing. Maybe some sort of excursion or tour guide to take people around the best parts of the island.
Given that I juice a lot, I'd offer tired/hungover clubbers vitamin packed drinks, served from a fleet of smoothie vans.
Circus freak hanging with misfits, sex dwarves and tranny terrorists in the old town, living in communal squaller and behaving like the Coquettes from San Francisco.


Fu(k going to a place like that, getting a sensible flat and going into marketing. :rolleyes:
something outdoors..... fisherman or some environmental or ecological...

basically just something nice and relaxed.. :)
I'd be more than happy to live on Formentera and for 6 months take a small boat up and down the peninsula calling at all the beaches offering icy-cold drinks! Don't think the beach-bar owners would be too impressed, which is probably the reason it doesn't happen.

But if there's nothing to stop it, I wonder why there isn't such a service - as it can be a long (and hot) walk from the more isolated beaches to a bar; and when you get there you have to sit down...wait to be served....wait for the drink to come....wait for the bill...wait for your arm to be chopped off as payment....