If there was one Ibiza event...


Active Member
Not to miss, which one would you say?

First time out this year, and definitely doing Cox at Space, A&B at Amnesia. Want to to DC10 Circoloco (but my travel buddies arent too keen) and then onto Cocoon.

Is DC10 THE place not to miss??
If you dig techno and tech house then without a doubt :). If you do and your mates don't then leave them behind, go yourself and meet them later !
I would love to do the full schedule monday but my mrs is not playing game :(
I am half way there to getting her to cocoon, but I dont think she would go for DC10 to, will have to wait till next year with the lads. It was closed last time I came.
I would go for DC10 followed by cocoon to given unlimited money and the right mates. That vid of P diddy larging it up in there is funny as on youtube, I would think my pills were spiked with acid if he turned up next to me getting his groove on :lol:
I can't miss sven!! If it was hawtin then it'd be an easy decision as I don't enjoy his vibe as much. Will see how I feel Monday as we are going to space Sunday night so it could get messy :D
I wish I could live there free money for the whole summer it's the only way to give a proper opinion is to do em all so who's gonna fund it for me? :lol: