if there ever was a reason...

Well this does deserve a fitting thread!!;):cry:8)

I have had many a mad bad night on LSD in some form of other! Not for a very long time I may add! I think a night of mushrooms scared meet to death when all the grass turned to worms and crawled up me, Mutley chased me along the beach, girl from the pub grew a beard in front of me (probably not the only bearded lady I have bumped into over the years!), went to a prty and everyone was Donald Duck and talked like him!

I remember a night when I was on microdots and someone fell through the glass roof of leas cliff hall in Folkestone during a Prodigy concert which I wasn't sure was real or not but was!

Then there were the penguins, white lightnings, purple oms etc etc.

I certainly don't miss the come down and the dirty feeling for days after though! Oh well all part of growing up!

Still have the odd mushroom in Amsterdam but only the 2 hour giggly pack as the woman in the shop describes! :lol:

for sure a drug that most people grow out of.

microdots - now they were crazy. I remember on the estate that we used to go score it was like christmas when they arrives - literally queues coming out the door.

But now. God never.

THAT SAID - i believe a lot of ecstacy, specifcally those with cream logos, going round recently is just asprin dipped in low grade acid.

for sure a drug that most people grow out of.

microdots - now they were crazy. I remember on the estate that we used to go score it was like christmas when they arrives - literally queues coming out the door.

But now. God never.

THAT SAID - i believe a lot of ecstacy, specifcally those with cream logos, going round recently is just asprin dipped in low grade acid.

Yep totally agree as had them the other week and thought exactly the same! To be honest the only Mickey Mills that in my opinion were any good recently were the Bikes, they were the closest to the 'old days :)roll:) I had been for a long time!

Yep totally agree as had them the other week and thought exactly the same! To be honest the only Mickey Mills that in my opinion were any good recently were the Bikes, they were the closest to the 'old days :)roll:) I had been for a long time!

My (ahem) friend (ahem) went to the Paradise Factory (just setting the scene and all) with a few mates to see Theo Parris. Dancing yes - but strange feelings. Visuals. Paranioa. Not that happy feeling. Everyone instead of heading back for afters just wanted to go home. No one slept until the next night!!
awfull. My friend swears its the pure stuff alone & if he cant get that he stays in.

Anyway, back on topic.
My (ahem) friend (ahem) went to the Paradise Factory (just setting the scene and all) with a few mates to see Theo Parris. Dancing yes - but strange feelings. Visuals. Paranioa. Not that happy feeling. Everyone instead of heading back for afters just wanted to go home. No one slept until the next night!!
awfull. My friend swears its the pure stuff alone & if he cant get that he stays in.

Anyway, back on topic.

I make your friend right!! ;)
I had one like this one night in ibiza last year.. just a weird night :confused: not what i was expecting, so that's what made it so bad!

with mushrooms, they were still legal in Japan when I lived there, made them ilegal after being there for a year. Always fun at the beginning, but when i found myself wandering in a forest stroking a tree, not so much fun anymore. Had some great mushrooms in Indonesia though

but back to the story, the scientist lived to 102, not bad!
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I had one like this one night in ibiza last year.. just a weird night :confused: not what i was expecting, so that's what made it so bad!

with mushrooms, they were still legal in Japan when I lived there, made them ilegal after being there for a year. Always fun at the beginning, but when i found myself wandering in a forest stroking a tree, not so much fun anymore. Had some great mushrooms in Indonesia though

but back to the story, the scientist lived to 102, not bad!

Cracking innings he has had so can't complain really!
Never had a good trip ever. Just not the type of person to be able to give in to total head trips - I am the one who always needs to keep one foot in the door of reality....

last trip we took was about 12 years ago - took it on a Sunday, lovely sunny afternoon in the park - got nothing off it - got to bed about midnight and bang - it hit me - asthma attack, no sleep - got up feeling ropey as hell - had to go to work and bang - another wave hit me on the Metro going to work - that was just horrid 7.45am - melting faces staring in through the window as the train hurtled along the tracks at a million miles an hour.......:lol::lol::lol:

same with mushrooms - never had a good time
opium - ditto

just not my bag man.....
I am the one who always needs to keep one foot in the door of reality....

Oh God me too! I totally lost all gripped of reality in a horseplay incident just the other week! I absolutely hated it.

Never tried acid only mushrooms and I didn't like them either!
Oh God me too! I totally lost all gripped of reality in a horseplay incident just the other week! I absolutely hated it.

Never tried acid only mushrooms and I didn't like them either!

Similar to me then - during one clubbing night years ago there was a bit of horseplay whilst in the club ..... spent about 8hrs in my friends living room in an after hours sess lying on my back with my legs up against the living room wall - because I was convinced I had a DVT - I could feel it moving up my leg...... truly awful....

some people just arent cut out for such things....

(besides I struggle with reality on a daily basis and I dont need to add chemicals into the equation.... :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:)
Came on to start a thread in memory of Mr Hoffman and checked b4 doing so in case someone had already done it:idea:

I could talk all day on the subject but won't, red windows & clear windows, about 1cm sqaure, that's where it all started for me in 1989.

102 is not a bad old innings.