ibzbeat's additional comment


New Member
Please take care in what comments you write/post here..

"Was at Bora Bora on the Sunday - which was great apart from over the course of 4 hours there must have been about 5 or 6 separate fights (mainly brits unfortunately) including one bloke being smashed in the face with a pole"

Which may have taken place in Playa Den Bossa or near to the venue Bora Bora or even on the beach which is a public area..

Most definitely didn't take place inside the venue Bora Bora or involve workers from the venue..

Thanks & Peace.
Are you saying the fights were about posts by spotlighters? How do you know that?
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This someone representing Bora Bora, or defending it anyway, saying it wasn't actually in the bar, isn't it?
I find that some people think that Playa Den Bossa beach is called Bora Bora Beach. They do not realise that in Ibiza, Bora Bora is a "Beach bar" but not a beach.

This may be where the confusion lyes..............
I find that some people think that Playa Den Bossa beach is called Bora Bora Beach. They do not realise that in Ibiza, Bora Bora is a "Beach bar" but not a beach.

This may be where the confusion lyes..............

Yeah but with all due respect, the guy says he was at Bora Bora, and that while being there he witnessed 4 fights. He didnt slag the place off, he actually ends it 'wheresall the love gone' or something similiar. I'm not being funny but violent fights can put a dampners on most situations, esp on your hols on the beach. I think this chap just meant to mention it happened whil he was at Bora Bora, no slight against the bar.
maybe he means flights


Not been here in ages but stopped for a quick last drink and look-see on the way to the airport for my flight home on Thursday. Was there between 8 and 9.15pm .. The beach got well rowdy just before I had to leave for the airport with a huge group of w***ered guys (and gals) just behind the netting on the beach standing on sunbeds shouting footie anthems and goading comments at the people inside. :rolleyes:

Whilst most inside ignored this as probably light-hearted, it went on and on until there were inevitably some lads inside who became a bit animated... :arrow:

One guy in particular, who'd been cavorting around in a pair of tight underpants with a ream of unravelled toilet roll draped round his neck, drinking a pitcher of sangria from huge straws :rolleyes: decided to start calling back and escalating things.

A couple of others joined in and a small amount of potentially charged pushing and shoving to try to ginger up support began inside (myself and a couple of others on the receiving end tbh - no big deal but not what you want when you're dancing and trying to enjoy your last few minutes on the island before going home !!) It's easy to see how things might have kicked right off with all this going on.

Security arrived, were polite and were having some success in de-escalating the situation but it was a shame to see the run up to sunset spoiled by a load of drunken loutish nonsense spoiling things for everyone else :oops:.

Not sure where Bora Bora stand technically as far as trying to manage things like this out when the people starting up the trouble are on the beach itself, but it was a great shame they had the problem to deal with in the first place.

For all people say about the West End and San Antonio, I've never seen the like of this anywhere near the San An beach or Calo d'es Moro bars before sunset over there. I felt I had my confirmation as to why I usually do sunset in the West.
Sounds awful, kimajy, though as you kinda say can't really be blamed on Bora Bora. We saw a few 'incidents' in San An last year (including one bloke bleeding from his head because, it transpired, he nutted another bloke), the kind of stuff that makes you a wee bit wearier. It's a shame when these kind of ****wits put a dampener on your holiday vibe. :(
Sounds awful, kimajy, though as you kinda say can't really be blamed on Bora Bora. We saw a few 'incidents' in San An last year (including one bloke bleeding from his head because, it transpired, he nutted another bloke), the kind of stuff that makes you a wee bit wearier. It's a shame when these kind of ****wits put a dampener on your holiday vibe. :(

It's indeed the ****wits themselves who are to blame and wish they'd stay at home tho' their neighbours are likely glad to see the back of them for a wee break !

Unfortunately you see enough of this in the UK any weekend of the year not to get intimidated by now but the vibe is definitely damaged - it can be so good when things are as they should be. What was a :eek: was seeing all this kicking off on the beach rather than on the streets, and in broad daylight rather than late night - in a high profile place beside Jet Apts. There were families around nearby and thought that was a particularly scuzzy way for people to be carrying on.

It's true there's brawling in the West End with regular black eyes and gashed faces, but it's generally after midnight, and more so at the weekend when a lot of stag parties are out in full force. Just a case of choosing yr 'diamond in the rough' to drink at accordingly and keeping your wits about you, leading by example with your own behaviour if you come across a bit of trouble. There are not many parents out on the streets with their toddlers round there when this is going on, though !

Feel sorry for Bora Bora and PDB things have come to this - there's a big difference between the thickness of a club wall and a bit of netting, and if that sort of thing doesn't stop it's only a matter of time before the fantastic beach club experience dies a premature death - then there'll be no music, no daylight clubbing and no dancing on the sand.

The answer's not to bash Bora Bora or anywhere else providing what many people come to Ibiza for and are capable of enjoying responsibly. That's basically saying the scene is the problem not just a few idiots. Reckon the police need to stamp the loutish behaviour out in places like this before it gets any worse - pop a few rowdy tourists who really can't behave in the cells for a few days in the heat and send them home :twisted: . They'll soon get the message and b***er off somewhere else !

BTW .. initially assumed the perpetrators were brits but they weren't this time.. seems bad behaviour is contagious !!
Question: I only remember Bora Bora circa 98-03...what's it like these days?

(I'm ignoring the fight as that could've happened anywhere/anytime and isn't indicative of the place having lost it.)

I don't imagine the music is that great but it was always fun and used to attract all the trashbag island faces. I've had some of my best Ibiza moments there.

Is it still like that to any degree?

I miss that island. :(
Question: I only remember Bora Bora circa 98-03...what's it like these days?

(I'm ignoring the fight as that could've happened anywhere/anytime and isn't indicative of the place having lost it.)

I don't imagine the music is that great but it was always fun and used to attract all the trashbag island faces. I've had some of my best Ibiza moments there.

Is it still like that to any degree?

I miss that island. :(

I still had good times there circa 1999-2009, but I only went there daytime pre party. When the put up the fence it was normally time for me to move somewhere else.

No need to be :( .. nowhere stays the same and for every good thing that dies another is born (or reborn) :D. Still my favourite home from home anywhere on earth and every trip is an absolute privilege. There's still a great deal of love t be found in Ibiza ;).