Ibiza's Club Scene Bubble?

Dave 1

New Member
Although i'm only in the very very small minority group of people who doesn't do Ibiza's Club Scene when visiting the "Isla Blanca" is there any chance or likelyhood that one day Ibiza's Club Scene Bubble will burst? If so what does anyone think will become of the Island or even that of it's famous Club's when/if the bubble bursts ?


NB: I'm looking at a return to Ibiza early Sept' 2011 for doing a Isle of Man TT style of holiday around the Island hence what can i expect to pay for unleaded 98 petrol?

I don't think it will burst as there is too much money to be made.

They will just keep adapting and developing it to suit the market.

Look at Manumission, they had a few problems and went onto become Ibiza Rocks
Ibiza is slowly (not even sure it's slowly, anymore) but surely swinging over to be more aimed at families. But it'll remain the clubbing capital for decades. I hope. :)

Couldn't imagine a summer not spent in Amnesia.
Ibiza is slowly (not even sure it's slowly, anymore) but surely swinging over to be more aimed at families. But it'll remain the clubbing capital for decades. I hope. :)
Family vacations have always been a big part of the Ibiza tourism scene.

I think as we (clubbers) get older and our tastes broaden, we notice it more. But I don't buy this idea that it was a party-only island and has become less so.

As I think Stephen was alluding to in his question above, only something like 20% of the island's visitors are there for the clubs :!:
I guess the majority of clubbers stay in San An, Elvissa and Playa Den Bossa... which are the only areas i've been, thus far, so I have a warped view of the situation.

Should be interesting to see the rest of the island, as I've yet to explore it. :-(
it's a bit like saying leeds is jam packed full of cricket fans based on your 3 only visits to the city; headingley on august sundays.
Its important for Ibiza that its maintains its Clubbing industry. Its the Islands international Trademark, the differential that adds value to the product. IMO, Without the Clubbing association, Ibiza would just be a poorer Minorca, catering primarily to the family market, old retiring farts and pathetic tour operator sales driven package holidays.

Ibiza caters to everybody and its different to each individual. The Island is like a pick n mix of things to do and everybody seems to get along quiet well with each other. I first visited Ibiza for the clubs but now I am quiet happy to return each year for the family aspect but with an option of club related activities if required.:)
Ok, he got one thing wrong, he bad. Lots of people come here and don't go clubbing. Lets not cane that one with a thousand 'i love remote places' responses.

However turning to the thread title.

There will be no bubble burst, demand may slacken off by degrees, the prices would come down and demand would re-adjust. The same amount of people would come in the end.

an example a few years ago when a particularly barren summer led to cream really making an effort with prices/drinks (i'm assuming they were linked).

I may be wrong but have drinks prices generally remained static for a few years?

There would need to be a fundamental shift for demand to fall off a cliff - for instance the emergence of a genuine competitor destination (but would not have the brand/history?
I don't think Ibiza has the best club scene in the world. I think UK's is better. Ibiza has better qualities than massive night clubs. Always has and always will
re: the clubbing market

have they not been trying to shift the "clubbing capital of the world" label elsewhere for years

Aiya Napa, Vegas, etc etc etc
Always remains Ibiza

But the island cannot survive on clubbers alone
it needs a mix of tourists
Things like the regeneration of the towns can only help the non-clubbing tourist market too
People have less money and want nice places to be at on their hard earned pennies
Over the years, i've seen massive changes in places like San Antonio that have made the place look fresher, cleaner and nicer on the eye too
Las Vegas isn't even close. This is basically the first year they've started to book talent. And still, most of the clubs except for like 2 or 3 still play Top 40 and hip hop. And they only really have parties on Fri-Sun. All the clubs are a bottle scene and about how much money and girls you have. There is nothing "underground" about it and they currently only bring in pretty mainstream djs. That article is laughable, and this is coming from someone that loves Vegas. Vegas will stop booking legit DJ talent as soon as electronic music isn't cool anymore here.
Im coming from Australia to Ibiza because i love EDM and i understand and respect the impact that Ibiza has had on music.

Nothing well atleast for the next 20 years or longer is going to compare to Ibiza. Way to iconic.
Family vacations have always been a big part of the Ibiza tourism scene.

I think as we (clubbers) get older and our tastes broaden, we notice it more. But I don't buy this idea that it was a party-only island and has become less so.

As I think Stephen was alluding to in his question above, only something like 20% of the island's visitors are there for the clubs :!:
Do you really think the Ibiza economy could survive without the influx of clubbers every summer?
I'd have said so. Hundreds of other resorts do, don't they?

I would have thought that most med resorts have an economy that revolves around drinking, if not necessarily clubbing? I'm sure the kind of tourist that goes for the west end is worse than the tourist that goes for Space.
Las Vegas the next IBIZA.... HAHAHAHAHA....
I have been to Las Vegas some time, last time this april. There are big and nice clubs, but overpriced even compared to IBIZA. The parties do start at 12:00 and sometimes closes at 2:00... even if you're lucky it will never go later then 6 not until 10,12,14,16 like it is done at opening and closings in IBIZA.
Furthermore there are no pre- and afterparties at the beach.
The pool parties are overpriced as well and mostly have nothing to do with real partying. Instead it's more a competion who has the most silicon and who can take more body forming pills.

Back to Topic Club Scen Bubble...
If I look at 2011 new Ushuaia and Sankeys, I'm asking me the same question.
I don't think there are enough clubbers to fill all locations at PDB.
Would be nice if some of the clubbs overthink there door price. But as most of the expensive parties are allways fully packed, I don't think so.