ab nächstem jahr jahr sollen die prs (also leute, die einen - meist unter leeren versprechungen -
wie billigen discotickets, günstigen getränken etc in bestimmte bars
usw locken) im hafen/altstadtgebiet komplett verboten werden,
da sie angeblich eine belästigung darstellen
und sich viele geschäftsinhaber über sie beschwert haben.
momentan ist nur ein pr pro laden erlaubt, da sich das aber nur schwer
kontrollieren lässt, wirds ganz verboten:
Poor Public Relations
The mayoress, Lurdes Costa, announced a clampdown on PR's
in the marina area of town, after continued complaints from business owners in the area.
Costa claimed the legislation of just one PR per establishment was currently
very difficult to control, and she could better manage the situation NEXT YEAR
This, she claimed, would make the law far easier to enforce.
PR' ing in the area has become commonplace, with each bar in the packed marina attempting to lure tourists into their establishments with the use of more and more PR's. This unfortunately has made it impossible to walk down the street without being hassled every few seconds, something local businesses are keen to avoid.
She said that in the meantime local police would control the area
and ensure there were not an excessive number of PR's in the port.