ibiza virgin


New Member
hi everyone :)
ibiza virgin here just booked our holiday( me & my boyfrind) going on the 20th june for 7 nights staying in the Brisa Hotel just wanted to know how much money would we need :?
just depends wot yous want to do if your going out everynight a would say a grand each for spending money but you can survive on less if you have a drink before u go out and go to the cheap pubs and try to get tickets that get u at least 1 free drink in the clubs
we are planing to go clubbing at least 3 nights ( have to have some time to recover ):lol: we had planned to bring about a grand each
did six nights in the main clubs for under £800 8O ... somehow:?:

you will be fine with a grand8)

got to go to carl cox on a tuesday at space ... best night:D

have a great holiday

wait a sec i was wrong before :oops:

10 day holiday with 8 maybe 9 nights in main clubs (and there were mostly good nights too... carl cox, we love, azuli, cream, release yourself...) ]

for under £700 and we ate at a nice restuarnuant or sunset cafe everyday!

not sure how i did it... pretty sure accomadation was included in that 8O

dont worry ibiza can be done well without taking out a loan!
