ibiza virgin...nervous


New Member
Well what can i say, my Ibiza virginity will be lost this year :D. Mates i'm going with have been before, but i'd just thought i'd get some more advice/information about the island from veterans. What can i expect? For a start what i love my house music.

We're only going for the one week, and to all big club nights and the big clubs, amnesia space etc etc. Just got a few questions about it all really.

I know this is one of the biggest questions probably asked, but drink prices. I've heard for big clubs i'm looking at 8 euros plus! Ye i know i've got pre partys for 30 euros or so, but still i'd like to enjoy a drink in the club. What is the cheapest drink in the clubs. Pretty much only a beer person but have no problems with drinking anything else.

Bouncers. We've all experienced the d***head bouncers at some clubs. Are they friendly out there?

Finally. Does anyone recommend us having a chilled out night midweek? I can't see myself clubbing 7 hours a night till 8/9 in the morning and don't really want to sleep during the day, and come back looking pale :spank: So would it be a good idea to have a chilled evening, just with a few drinks?

thanks to anyone that can help :)
cheers for the help :D. Also may sound silly but what about fighting? I hate fights as it is, and the last thing that i want is some loud mouthed bloke coming up to me trying to start something for no reason as u have in london clubs :/. Last thing i want is my holiday to be ruined by some tit. Don't want to take a black eye home as a souvineir
Ive never had a problem with any bouncers in ibiza. They tend to be pretty huge and firm but mainly for show. Its not like the local weatherspoons on a friday night most people who go to the big clubs are really happy n friendly.
You've basically answerd your own question , of course it would be adviseable to take it easy 1 night , will it happen? Quite possibly not. That said your body tells you when its had enough. Ive had tickets to cocoon and not gone cos me n the mrs were in such a state having done space sunday afernoon / night then going to dc10 at lunchtime. But then other times your out for a couple days so it depends how you pace yourself. As long as you get a few hours actual sleep , not just lying with your eyes shut then you should be fine
We went for a week and didn't have a single night off.

We used to drink at the apartment till about 10, then head out to bars, and then the club. We used to get back to the ap at about 8:00 and sleep till 1. That gave us just enough sleep and we got to see day light.

We did feel a bit shaky for a few hours, but a good breakie, and a few pints of pineapple juice and that was all sorted.

Just go for it all week I say. If you absolutely need a quiet night, then go for it. But I wouldn't plan one. Just fit in as much as you can.

As for the bouncers, they're not friendly, pretty rude actually, but they didn't give us any trouble. They are just there, they wont be friendly, but if you give them no trouble, they'll leave you alone. From what you've said, I'm sure you'll be fine.

As for drinks, yes they are expensive. But just make sure you're well on your way before you get there. I used to have a few in the clubs, 2 or 3 just to keep me going, which was about £30, but it was fine.
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I have always been surprised by posts suggesting bouncers in Ibiza are rude / aggressive etc. I have only ever experienced the exact opposite and rank them way way above the boneheads on the door of many British pubs!

One example, a few years ago at a morning after party in Space, some guy simply fell face first right off his stool. Two bouncers rushed over, picked him up and sat him down and brought a drink of water. Saw the guy half an hour later looking fine 'n dandy. Maybe due to being at the older age range of Ibiza visitors I have never had a problem. From around a dozen visits to Pacha never once been searched or patted down, they ignore a camera in the wife's bag one time.

As mentioned above, be respectful and you won't have a problem.