Ibiza Videos

If you guys have any videos you've taken in Ibiza, that show some of its beauty, maybe the sunset at Cafe Del Mar or a fantastic vista of the town, drop me a private message as I am looking to get some to put onto my travel guide website (which I won't advertise here)!
Ha, no that's not me, and she isn't wearing a wig, she just has immaculate hair.

Anyway, you guys got any videos of Ibiza to put on there?

(and Mr Bigler I have no idea what you are talking about ;) )
Bloody hell mate, your expecting me to remember a line I wrote on an Internet noticeboard 7 years ago??? Who the **** remembers that kind of ****?
Bloody hell mate, your expecting me to remember a line I wrote on an Internet noticeboard 7 years ago??? Who the **** remembers that kind of ****?

That was just a reminder of previous........ah forget it. Obviously alzheimer's kicking in.