Ibiza Spotlight tickets time - need some help


New Member
I`ve just bought 3 tickets for cadenza party at Pacha in August 26th..
The problem is that our flight comes from italy to ibiza and we will probably land at Eivissa around 11:30pm.
In the e-ticket says that we MUST enter the club before 1:00am, is that true??
We heard about some hard querying in cadenza parties...so..if we be stuck at the queue and don`t reach the door until 1 am...we are going to loose our tickets???
If so...it`s possible to buy this tickets at pacha`s door to enter in the club?? there is big risk to them gonna sold out?

sorry about all those questions...
Counting the days for it...Ibiza is calling!!!
to be safe, i would cancel the tickets through my account and buy them on the door. it will be more expensive, but it will ensure you get in.
