Ibiza Spotlight iphone app

That would be fun... something that downloads the current party calendar and the bars and restaurants listed on the site, along with built-in resort, village and beach information.

Any programmers around? And any chance of a Windows Mobile version? :lol:
something like that is already available - i think mrlk is the man behind it ?!
just google "ibizaiphone" ...
That would be fun... something that downloads the current party calendar and the bars and restaurants listed on the site, along with built-in resort, village and beach information.

Any programmers around? And any chance of a Windows Mobile version? :lol:

oh how handy would that be - I like the idea of not carting round a million maps and restaurant telephone numbers on bits of paper with me which I ALWAYS lose!! :spank:
Spotlight phone? I could listen to everyone's rants while on the train in the morning!

Why stop there? What about an Olly and Naked Age weekly podcast?
something like that is already available - i think mrlk is the man behind it ?!
just google "ibizaiphone" ...

Well to tell you truth i already downloaded but i found a lot of useful things missing...so i guess that spotlight could come up with a full version of the site optimized for iphone!
I know it's a lot of work but i can imagine being downloaded by every single person using iphone in ibiza... ;-)
We had another discussion about this


What would be more useful is just a mobile-optimized version of this website.

Despite the hype, iPhones are still a small percent of the market compared to Symbian (Nokia), Windows Mobile, Blackberry. And Android is catching up. A mobile-optimized version would work on all operating systems. And wouldn't require software.
We had another discussion about this


What would be more useful is just a mobile-optimized version of this website.

Despite the hype, iPhones are still a small percent of the market compared to Symbian (Nokia), Windows Mobile, Blackberry. And Android is catching up. A mobile-optimized version would work on all operating systems. And wouldn't require software.


(although I often browse this forum on my phone without any problems...)
the site browses very well on most small gadgets. for instance, i can't actually envisage an easier way of presenting the calendar, other than the way it is now.

an app would involve lots of cool swiping, tapping and shaking, but at the end of the day, zooming and scrolling the calendar is quicker and more practical, because you get all infos at once, rather than viewing just per club/per day, etc.

furthermore, developping apps for each platform is a royal pita ;)

"What would be more useful is just a mobile-optimized version of this website."

that's spot on morbyd. and something we talk a lot about, but because the site is so easy to surf with an iphone (you can even make hotel bookings, ticket purchases), it is not a priority for us right no.

i also firmly believe mini browsers will all be of apple's / android's standards very soon, so all the dev time spent optimizing for handhelds may anyway be wasted.

there's also a time factor involved. we have spent the winter on what we believe to be more important projects:

Ibiza Spotlight in Russian

Upgrading all our Ibiza maps to use google's maps.

Continuing the re-design of the site, especially the clubbing section and the new e-flyer, which is looking pretty slick now.

However, i can see the potential of the mobile market, i just really wonder whether an optimised version will be so much more useful?

i am very interested to hear your comments on my last comment!
3G is quite expensive for people from outside but making a off-line version of spotlight is possible(StylusXML converts any database into xsl/xml files) but you cant really be sure its displayed on all devices properly due the poor web browser implementation of some manufactures. more difficult even synchronizing with the server.

unfortunately my posts get deleted as soon I post the name of our application :lol: I actually don't know why as we also take care not to copy spotlight features tough.

what do you expect - this is not a free-for-all market-your-own products forum. it is a privately run and funded forum, which has taken years of extremely hard work to reach where it is.

those are the rules, i ask everyone kindly to abide by them or leave.
just really wonder whether an optimised version will be so much more useful?
we made 2 intensive years research on those topics. people like to have instant access to information, paperless, without having a workstation and communicating through mobile with their preferred networks. its increasing enormous...
here you go : http://advertising.aol.com/sites/default/files/webfm/research/SmartPhone.pdf

pardon, as other app titles were not a problem in this topic I didn't know that ours can be a problem tough. however, I take care not to disturb :)

hope it helps,
Ibiza Spotlight in Russian

Upgrading all our Ibiza maps to use google's maps.

Continuing the re-design of the site, especially the clubbing section and the new e-flyer, which is looking pretty slick now.
Hot damn!

Why didn't you tell me you were working on a Russian version!??!!?!?

I see you've teamed up with Ibiza-Tour. I can also see why they'd want to help with a Russian version of Spotlight... their company website is a mess! Still quite a bit of work to do (and some of their translations are a bit too.... official sounding) but great start.

Very nice work on the maps too.
to be honest we didn't even know ourselves until last october! we've known and worked with kirill from ibiza tour for ages. i though you'd like it ;) we have nearly 70 hotels fully translated, all the beaches, most resorts. next winter we'll go into even more detail with the translations.

it is launching officially at the beginning of april.

mc - no problem. i know you guys have done your research. i can't load that pdf yet, but will look at it when it does. thanks for info.