Ibiza season 2012


New Member

me and a friend are both going to ibiza early may looking to stay out there for the season but need a bit more info i.e prices of accomadation and where to look, the average wage your get working in a bar and average cost of living each month. how much should we take with us?!
also looking to share accomadation with other people so if anyone wants to help out 2 girls that havent really got a clue about where to look some info would be great :)

Nat x
female on my lonsome!!

hi, i'll share with you. I'm female and going out there by myself (scary) so defo need to share with ppl. if you interested let me know and i'll give u my contacts and add u on FB. Emily xxx
Hiya Emily, sorry for the late reply, haven't been on here. Yeah, definitely interested, when are you looking to head out there? Good for you going on your own, if its something you wanna do you've just gotta do it and when you get out there, you'll meet loadsa people so wont be on your own for long. private msg me your facebook link and ill add you. xx