Ibiza on sky living


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anybody been watching? monday nights 10pm, its from 2008 doesnt do the island any justice to what it really is, includes the opening disaster of linekars....

interesting viewing,

one bloke that thinks hes a sex god who cant find work, worked as a person who sells deals in carphone wearhouse back home, had a trial at mambos, lets say he couldnt sell sweets to fat kid, game over!! A similiar case happened to a bird who wanted to pr for pukka up, she just got steaming every night and blamed the reason just because she was ginger, no one likes her...taaaxiii :lol:

"if you wanna sing football chants, **** off to faliraki" my favourtie quote of the series

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Saw this on Friday night, didn't realise it was being repeated consequently missed most of the series :(

Sadly one of the main characters (Alistair) is no longer with us:cry: I think they guy you talk about (the rep) is actually a big put on, it's not possible for a guy to be such a dork.
I've recorded this on sky plus. The clip I saw I'm kind of assuming it was recorded about 10 years ago what with the music? although maybe I'm wrong? I think I saw a bunch of lads in fancy dress as women ort something? I can honestly say in all the years I've been going to Ibiza I've never seen anything like I saw in the awful 5 minutes I caught of this programme. I'll watch anything if it's got Ibiza in it though! It gets me in the mood for summer time :)
I thought a lot of it was a rehash of Ibiza uncovered , just 11(!) years on.
for the Manumission team in 97 = linekers team in 08
for the two wannabe girl workers in 97 = clueless lad and girl workers in 08 etc

maybe different decades and scale but showed similar problems, pros cons etc
I know it gets slated on here but I love watching Ibiza uncovered back. maybe thats because it was my first year on the island, but I definitely remember it had more about Ibiza other than west end chaos than some people give it credit for?!