Ibiza night Terrors


Active Member
I've always got the old night terrors everytime I get home from ibiza but last week while on the island. Me and my now fiancee were having a siesta after some serious partying and not much sleep. I lay on the bed struggling go get to sleep while my fiancee lay awake next to me on her phone. I suddenly went into a very deep vivid dream I was on the island somewhere. The dream wasnt a bad one as such, until my fiancee said ( in the dream) these people people are making me paranoid. I remember looking at her and asking why and as I tried to visualise her face her face started caving in. At this point I jumped up shouting and as I was looking at her on the bed my head was wobbling and I couldn't wake up properly. One of the most terrifying moments I've ever had. I thought I was having some kind of fit at one point until I calmed down. Has anybody else experienced anything like this while caining it over there? I'm gathering it was just my serotonin levels being really low and not getting much sleep. Either way it scared the f*** out of me to the point I was worried about going to sleep again after it.
Went too hard at 2013 Closings and had to spend the entire day after DC-10 Closing in my room with the curtains closed... Whenever i closed my eyes, there was a loud buzzing noise in my ears, which sounded like a wasp in my head!!! Didn't help much when i started picturing that film The Swarm!! I think i literally fried my brain!! :lol::eek::eek:
I've had some really bad ones when home but too many to recall a specific one.
My gf once though had a mad one. We were in Poland for a mates wedding and had just been drinking for 4 days straight. She jumped up in the night dripping with cold sweat jumped over me in bed and shouted there is a dog its coming for me. In that split second I thought logically- if there was a dog in the room it would have had to come through 2 sets of doors 2 flights of stairs across a hall then unlock our door to get in. So I calmed her down, she then fell asleep. I spent the rest of the night having night terrors about dogs. I was so pissed off in the morning and spent the 3 hour train journey to Berlin in silence to show how annoyed I was at her haha
This was really bad, I'm actually getting goosebumps thinking about it now. It effected the last day and night of my holiday. My fiancee kept telling me I am obviously just over tired and it was a bad dream. I was convinced it was more than that though. Wasn't the dream that scared me as much it was the way I felt when I woke and stud up. I felt like my head was floating around the room. Obviously because I've just jumped straight up after being in a sleep. Wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Anyway I'll try and man up now
Has anybody else experienced anything like this while caining it over there?

Very long time ago ! Don't dabble in anything more than the odd drink nowadays. Find I enjoy my time there far more that way. No sleep paralysis. No distortive episodes. No zapping explosions in your head. No wild downers. Really don't need any of that sort of sh!t in my life !!!
Nah it is horrible when it happens. I've been very lucky I got back from a stag do last Monday, I only had 4 hours sleep in 4 days but managed not to have any terrors. Don't let it put you off haha
Sleep paralysis... Google it. i had it bad for 3 weeks after Sept 2006 (and mildly ever since if i dont get enough sleep). Every time i tried to drop off to sleep I'd go into this mad terrifying episode, like that dream you think you're falling but can't wake yourself up and the vivid dreams! Shagging fiery demons on trapeze swings and the Pacha bar turning into a train crashing are ones that i can vividly recall even 10 years on :lol:

Strange thing is that i grew to enjoy the experience after a while and knew it was happening while sleeping so didn't have the fear. It is a pain though. And those Bzzzzz.....SHDONNNGK..... electric shock things.
There is a documentary on Netflix about sleep paralysis, it's called "The nightmare". ;)

Cheats way round this is to take a small dose of something like valium, Xanax, pyrazolam, etizolam, etc before bed - basically any anti-anxiety med. If you don't have access to this stuff, alcohol can help, but I need a fair amount.
When I came back from DC10 opening this year I had zaps for over a week. I thought they were never going to end it was hurrendous.
I remember experiencing this for the first time after a holiday in Benidorm. I had no idea it was coming and in one night I had the sensations of being strangled by a demon, floating over the bed and being buried alive, as well as that thing where you seem to see the room from different angles. :eek: Only ever lasts 1 or 2 nights for me.
I get night terrors the following night after any heavy night where i have certain tjings assisting me. As i drift off to sleep, i'll go in to an awful deep dream and suddenly snap awake. this will happen 4 or 5 times. its, excuse the pun, a nightmare.

I did hear a talk at Secret Garden PArty that explained it a bit as a kind of lucid dreaming and said its very common in clubbers but i cant remember the details of why it happens. i think it was something to do with your heartbeat slowing down as you sleep but your brain not slowing down at the same speed so your body feels like its suffocating. I may have just made that up :)
That's Bro science if iv ever heard it ^ lol

Nothing worse than the zooms
I couldnt believe my luck after ibiza this year I had absolutely no problems

Did however get serious night sweats in bed after sven vath outdoor festival a few weeks ago

5htp helps :)
I don't think it's down to how clean the substance is. You are depelting your seratonin so there will be side effects to replacing it.

You just got lucky if you've felt nothing surely? Either that or lots of sleep/good diet/exercise.
First night back yesterday and got to sleep okay with a bit of help, but started to get them when trying to have a lie in this morning.