Ibiza new years


New Member

I'm wondering is there anywhere open on new years eve and day

I read somewhere before that dc10 is open?

Never thought there would be anything on but that sounds deadly

any info on this?

sweet.. I like carnage ;)

must try get some info as I'll look to book it early.. Don't know if could get flights from Dublin though..
Can't help with info on DC10, but have a look through the "Ibiza Cool Season" forum for lots of info on getting to Ibiza in winter. Several threads from people making the trip from Ireland for a few pounds using Ryanair.
Can't help with info on DC10, but have a look through the "Ibiza Cool Season" forum for lots of info on getting to Ibiza in winter. Several threads from people making the trip from Ireland for a few pounds using Ryanair.

will do thanks

would love to be able to book next week af take a risk on pascha and dc10 Been open

problem is ryanair only fly in the mains season

hopefully there's an option through fly their via barcalona or just get the boat from barca or else get a flight to london and fly from their
just get to barcelona and you will get a flight easy to ibiza.i counted 9 flights going out on 1 day in febuary.
New years eve is a bit different from UK, It`s more traditional to go out to eat with Friends & Family and not be battered by Midnight, You then have to eat 12 grapes, One on every ring of the bell often followed by a Chapito or two 8), Then it`s time to get battered,,, Pacha, Underground, Aura, Bambuda and most of the bars in town have a party going on, NYD, DC 10 , Beach (Has been a nice sunny day for past 5 years) Vila parties, etc, Rest for a day or two, then its off to San An for Flower power, You think the west end is loud in Summer, no 12 o'clock rule here :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vQ7nik_084

Can't help with info on DC10, but have a look through the "Ibiza Cool Season" forum for lots of info on getting to Ibiza in winter. Several threads from people making the trip from Ireland for a few pounds using Ryanair.
