Ibiza June 6-10th many questions!!


New Member
Hey guys,

Ibiza virgin <------ here

As I stated above, I'm gonna be in Ibiza from Tuesday afternoon till Sunday the 10th when my plane leaves at 4am in the morning. I'm from Vancouver Canada and Ibiza happens to be the last leg of my Europe trip with the girlfriend. We start in London on the 28th of may, then hit Amsterdam, Paris and Barcelona before finally landing on the island.

First off I wanna say I'm sooo excited to finally be coming to Ibiza... It's something I've dreamed about since my early 20's when I used to read mix-mag and go to raves! Damn I'm old... :)
So I'm writing here on the forum because I need advice. Since I only have 4 days on the island, I want to make the best of it. I'd like to hit up 2 super clubs, and possibly do a day trip over to Formentera. Before I started reading this forum I mistakenly went and pre bought tickets for Friday nights Fiesta Del Agua at Es Paradis, but from what I've read it doesn't sound like a party worth paying for. Luckily the tix are refundable.

My first question is... Of the 4 nights I'm there, which will be the best parties? And do you think fitting a day trip to Formentera is realistic? I guess you need to know a little more about me and my taste to give me the best advice, so here goes.

Call me crazy, but I have this idea of staying 2 nights in San An June 6-8 then my 2nd 2 nights in Playa Del Bosa/Ibiza Town. We'd do a cheaper hotel in San An and a little nicer in the PDB side. We kinda want to exPerience both sides of the island.
Statistics: I'm 35 yrs old, though I feel and look/act a lot younger than I am. Love house music especially deep house, vocal and Latin house... Lately I can't get enough electro though, especially when it's on the dark side, mixed with goood dubstep! I can still party with the best of them... Comes with the territory working in a nightclub in Vancouver, but won't be going hard all 4 nights, hence the reason I need advice on Which 2 nights are can't miss. Sadly I think I already missed the boat for David guetta on Thursday at pacha. I'm not really a dress up kinda guy... Prefer cargo shorts and sneakers. I guess that means I'm not big on the snooty crowd. Not impressed with people flashing money and bling... I AM to old care about that s**t. Are there any clubs during my stay you would suggest pre buying tix for? And which clubs do I have a realistic chance of getting in for free or at regular cost on the night?
Any information you guys can give me would be much appreciated!

P.s. Are the Fiesta Del Agua parties really that bad? :) because the promo Vid makes them look pretty fun! :p
Hi man......you will love it over there!

you mentioned the electro and dubby side of things - i would maybe suggest the Come Together night at Space on the Friday......line ups are not out for it yet but if you look in the Ibiza Clubs section you will get an idea of the acts booked so far...
Day trip to Formentera - totally doable. You can buy a round-trip on ferries that leave in the morning and come back in the early evening, and still have plenty of time for a nice dinner and some bar or nightclub action once back in Ibiza.

Parties - From your music taste, it sounds like you'd probably enjoy Subliminal @ Pacha (no, you don't have to dress up to go to Pacha!). To round out your experience, I'd do DC10 on Monday (you say you arrive Tuesday afternoon but your dates indicate Monday... which is it?). It's early too - opens at 4:30, gets going around 7 and stays good until midnight or so. You've got to see Space so maybe Kehakuma on Thursday?

The clubbing section of this site (see links above) has good descriptions of each party, and the calendar (also linked above) will tell you which nights have which parties, and which parties have which DJs & guests.

Just a few weeks left. You must be excited! Trust me... you'll have a great time.

One more piece of advice - check out the Reviews section of the forum. Many Spotlighters write up detailed reviews of their trips, so lots of good ideas on things to do outside of clubbing. Check out my reviews or ones by Nostrum, for example.
Thanks for the feedback guys!

Yeah, I screwed up on the dates there... thanks Morbyd. Correction, I'll be in Ibiza from Tuesday 7th to Sunday 12th 4am in the morning. Which means I won't be able to make Monday DC10. As I mentioned before I want to spend the first 2 nights in San Antonio, so in your opinion, what would be my best options?

We'll be checking into our hotel around 6-7pm, I'm thinking grab some food some where on the beach watch the sunset... any suggestions for good food a decent price in San An on the strip? Are there any clubs worth checking out Tuesday night in San An, or should we just rest up for the night? I noticed there's a Fiesta Del Agua at Es Paradis, but still no ones chimed in on water party, so I'm thinking they're not that great?? Are there any clubs in San An that we could get in for free?

Okay, day 2 we'll spend the day exploring the beaches on the west side of the island. Personal favorite beaches any one? The evening will be spent exploring the town. After that, maybe we'll check out a club. Does any one have any opinions about the Ibiza rocks party? is this something worth purchasing online in order to get free entrance to the after party at Es Paradis? if it's not worth going to maybe we'll just hang out at one of the smaller bars for the evening.

Day 3, we pack out bags and head over to the Play Den Bosa side of the island. After checking into our hotel, we want to hit up some good beaches on the east side. We're both adventurous and wouldn't mind finding a good nude beach... I noticed there were 2 mentioned, Las Salinas and Es Cavallet. Which is the nicer of the 2... whiter sands clearer waters, beautiful people etc? :) After the beach we have to hit up Bora Bora... this sounds like a must do from what I've read. So After Bora Bora, what next? It's thursday 9th of June, I see Kehakuma at Space, and Twice as nice opening party at Eden. Which is gonna give us more of a super club feel? And are we going to need to pre buy tix? I really want to see what Space is all about and it doesn't look like they have anything going on for Friday night.

Day 4, It's off to formentera... Which is the cheapest boat/ferry to the little Island, and which port does it leave? We'll rent some bicycles on formentera and ride as far as we can go... looking for a nice beach to settle down for some relaxing. When we get back to Ibiza it's dinner, drinks, and on to our last big club! Friday night!!! It's all gone Pete Tong?? Garlands Opening Party? It doesn't look like there's anything more than that... opinions? and is Pete Tong something we should Pre buy due to the fact it's at Pacha?

Last Day, Saturday the 11th... we've got the entire day and all night, until 4 in the morning. Anything you've noticed I missed out? any must do's? We have to check out of our hotel at noon, so we'll be lugging our back packs around with us. Is this a good idea, or should we ask our hotel to lock our bags up until late night? Ugh so many questions!!!

Thanks in advance to any one who's taken the time to read all my ramblings, especially if you drop some good advice for me!!


By the way, thanks Morbyd... I checked out a few reviews and got some good ideas!
Damn it, I wish my stay was about a week longer! :(

I finally booked my Hotel on PDB side of the island... 2 nights in Apartamentos Llobet. Has any one stayed here, or heard anything about this place? Guest reviews seemed great, and the location looked perfectly between PDB and Ibiza Town.

Soooo excited!! :D
For the beaches, I think Salinas is a better choice. Es Cavallet has a nice beach but as it's a nature preserve they don't clean all the crap (seaweed) out of the water so it won't remind you much of a good N. American beach.

Most of us in these forums are not big fans of Es Paradis and Eden. They're not bad venues but the parties and crowds that they get aren't as good as the ones at Space, Pacha, Amnesia and Privilege.

Thus, I'd choose Kehakuma @ Space over Twice As Nice.

For Saturday, maybe check and see if the Zoo Project party is going on. It's an outdoor party at a place called Gala Night (a complex originally built to be a zoo). Runs 4:30 - midnight.

Re: Ibiza Rocks - it all depends on who is performing. I don't know the two bands playing that night so maybe YouTube some of their music and see if they float your boat. The videos I've seen from Ibiza Rocks parties have been great. Their closing party this year falls within my visit so I'm thinking of finally checking it out myself, depending on who is performing.

Yes, there are some smaller clubs in San An that you can get into for free.

Also, think about doing one night at Amnesia, or Privilege (largest club in the world!) just to have a look. Amnesia opening party is that Saturday night and that'd be fun although it looks like your departure time might not really allow it. Nothing scheduled at Privilege for that week (all their nights open later in the month) but keep your eyes open for a one-off party or something.
That all really helps!! Thanks morbyd!!
Do need to purchase kehakuma before hand, or should we have no problem getting in?
There are some advantages to purchasing your tickets through Spotlight (see article in the Clubbing Section of the website).

But Space is big so it won't sell out. If you want to leave it until the day of, you can pick them up at a bar called Tantra (across the street from Jet Apartments/Bora Bora, a block away from Space)