Ibiza - it's off...

The Fog

Active Member
Well, this is the sad truth at least for me.

I was super excited to make it to the openings, everything was booked since last year... we even had tickets for Space Opening already.

Then tragedy struck and completely changed the life of one of my best friends who was about to go with us from one day to the other. Out of respect and sympathy, we decided to cancel the trip for now.

This is just to remind everybody that life is precious and how thankful everyone can be if you are at good health and blessed with a trip to Ibiza...

Well, I am going to see my shrink now :-/
Aww thats sad, but you and your friends have done a very honorable thing and cancelled the holiday out of respect for his situation, and that will mean a lot more to him than a week away partying, good friends are hard to come by, so you should treasure them!

Good for you, I think there are some that would not do the same as you!