Ibiza in The Guardian...

"It's a business" he says...Quick win mentality. And why not eh?

He can pocket the £££ and peg it when the fad wears off.

More doom filled tales of an island in its death throes.

Oh but there's always a dark underground basement (Sankeys)...It's a fkn Mediterranean island not Detroit. o_O

Paid for by enter.

And I totally see the point. Ushuia and how it has changed from underground to concert hall like. And the niche market structure that has wisen up ibiza clubs from too hip to what I think they will become in the future. Colussion. Similar to oligopolies, oil companies.
I laugh at how some pretend to come here and disagree distantly at the extreme commercial model that ibiza is becoming and just to side with the Spanish mentality of its economy.

But when spaniards themselves see the chance of making money to reap benefits to its maximum they begin to act like an economic model of the same things they oppose in a social setting at times. Ushuia has a hotel like no other hip , trendy and exclusive. So the market demands and they supply. To comment on the above, if I may:
If the social economic trend of ibiza changes back ushuia will change back and put underground parties.

I don't think the island is dying , I just think is changing. I think what will happen is that ushuia and big clubs like pacha will perhaps push the necessity for smaller more underground clubs like Sankey's. Or similar nights which is why they are still around.
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Who can blame them for wanting to make money? EDM is the musical equivalent of those throwaway nitrous gas cannisters...cheap to produce, makes annoying whoosh noises and delivers a killer drop with the post coital feeling of a damp squib.

I don't dispute that Spaniards (and international promoters just btw) have the right to make £££ and look at the island through the eyes of Donald Trump.

However, I'd sooner pass on an island that builds entertainment on the back of 'socio-economic trends' :confused:...you need a reason? Ask this guy:

Look at the comments under the Guardian article...not one single positive thing to say, which under the corporate sheen is kinda telling.

Profit is not a success measurement - it's often a dirty word.
I wasn't hoping to come up with a new socio economic model for the next wave of entrepreneurs...I'd kinda stopped my thought process at, 'might pop to Croatia for a margarita.'