Ibiza In June???


New Member
Hello everyone....its been a good long while since I've been on the spotlight but I know someone here will be able to help me so I haven't lost faith yet!

I have the chance to go to Ibiza in mid-june this year (2005) but the past 3 years I have always gone 2nd to 3rd week in August. I'm worried that June may be too quiet for my liking.....Any advice?? I don't wanna be there and not have any good parties to go to, and if my memory serves me correctly the opening parties will be in and around the time frame that I may go (17th-25th Jun) Hopefully thats the same for this year! So here it is: Is it any good??

I'll explain first before I get a mixed bag of responses; I am into packed parties and barely room to sqeeze a towel on the beach. I also only stay in Ibiza town....So whats the deal? A lot of people at that time or not?? Good parties or pretty mellow?? What type of tourist do you get and do they only stay for the opening parties and then jet off somewhere else?? Please Please Help!!! I would love to go in August as usual but with work and friends June may be my only option!!!! Gulp!!! 8O

So all advice and info will help!!!!!!! Thanx guys!!!!
Hi...I've been to Ibiza in early June and Early August...
You should be fine if you go middle of June, like you said opening parties...

This year I went from May 26th - June 1 and still had a great time with plenty of people on the island...

You'll be ok!
opening partys start later and later. we went early july last year and it was a bit too early for my taste. went back in the middle of august and this was fine! however try it and see what u like!