Ibiza gets slated by the BBC


Active Member
This harks back to the old days of picking on San Antonio and basically claiming everyone and anyone who has ever gone there are all the same "type". No mention of Playa den Bossa etc.
Very disappointing as over the last 10 years San Antonio has changed a lot.

A poorly written article that seems to have little point, written by someone who clearly has no clue about the club scene.

Pint of beer down my local costs about £3.20, pills are £2 - where is the "Scotland drugs cheaper than booze" story?
Would somebody mind copying and pasting this article on to the reply page please. I can not access the BBC website from work.

From the BBC link above

'Ibiza drugs cheaper than booze'

Page last updated at 06:02 GMT, Thursday, 2 September 2010 07:02 UK
By Simon Mundie
Newsbeat reporter in Ibiza


Anna says people take drugs in Ibiza because it's so expensive to drink

Twenty-four-year-old Anna, who grew up in Ibiza, says many tourists end up taking drugs there because alcohol is so expensive.

She grew up in San Juan, which couldn't be more different than tourist havens like San Antonio.

There's no pounding house music in the air or young Brits handing out flyers here.

Instead there are just a few couples sharing bottles of wine, an elderly pair smoking cigars outside a cafe and four young boys kicking a football around on the street.

Very few cars have gone past, unlike clubland in the middle of the night. San Juan feels like a different country altogether.

Ibiza is a very small island, but despite its size it's very different depending on where you go.

Anna, who moved to London a few years ago, thinks it's what makes this part of Ibiza so special, and feels that clubbers are missing out by just sticking to those parts of the island where the famous nightlife flourishes.

She isn't a fan of the tourist areas like San Antonio, which was the scene of some of last week's drugs busts that saw 38,000 ecstasy tablets snatched along with vast quantities of cocaine, ketamine and cash.

'Horrible place'

She said: "I go there about once every three years, and when I do I stay about half an hour and then I run away.


San Juan is a lot quieter than the more tourist-heavy parts of Ibiza "It's the most horrible place to be for me. It's emotional to see, all these people who have no idea where they are, doing stuff they would never do back home."

Some clubbers have told Newsbeat that the majority of young Brits who come here take drugs, and Anna says the same.

She said: "I would think it's safe to say at least 80%.

"It's to do with money. Drinks cost between 15 and 20 euros a drink. Most people can't afford that every day for a week.

"A pill only costs 10 euros - most people will just go for the pill."

A local policeman, who didn't want to be named, agreed with Anna's assessment of the level of drug use, again quoting the figure of around 80%.

However, he insisted steps had been taken to tackle the issue on the island.

Targeting suppliers

Firstly, he points to the stricter licensing laws. Some clubs used to stay open all day for after parties, but now they must shut at 6am.

That has had an impact on the level of drug use as people no longer need artificial stimulants to keep them going over marathon 20 hour plus sessions.

He also points out that the authorities outlawed large private parties, which used to take place in areas like the island's woodland - notorious for excessive drug use.

He also insisted the priority had to be to target the suppliers who carry large quantities of drugs rather than simply the people who have drugs for their own recreational use because it's the dealers who are doing the real damage.

So the authorities have certainly taken steps to tackle drug use on the island, although the level of drug use appears to remain high.

So what else can be done? Anna says bringing prices down could have a real impact.

She said: "If you can buy a drink for seven euros instead of 15, you might just decide to go for drinks the whole night."
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it's actually pathetic.

opinion given as fact. e.g. 80% coming for drugs and drinks 15-20 euros (that's the very top end and hardly representative).

also, the old classic of 'unnamed source' and totally ignoring what san an has to offer, it's made out to be like the arsehole of hell or something. it's a fcukin beautiful resort!!

pretty poor form from the beed
What makes it even more ridiculous is a number of their very own DJ's flock to said resort every August and have done so for over 10 years. Maybe they should broadcast from San Juan instead!
TBH, in 'proper' clubs (in Ibiza or the UK) 80% isn't a bad guess at how many are on drugs. It may even be a conservative estimate.
Yeah I'd agree that the 80% wont be far off those who attend the big club nights. To say 80% of young people that visit San An take drugs is ridiculous though.
Are they stating that of every 10 grannies that come to Ibiza, 8 of them are on drugs????? (apart from prescription ones)
It's stupid and thoughtless articles like this that can end up costing the island a lot of money.

It took us many years to convince the in-laws that Ibiza wasn't the place they had seen on so many tv documentaries and news items. We took them to Ibiza in 2007 and to San Antonio on a couple of occasions, they thought it was a magical and gorgeous resort and came home with wonderful memories of the whole island.
Same old, same old... It does get tiring reading such short-sighted and sensationalist stuff about Ibiza.
(I also find it a little hard to understand why drinking alcohol all night long would be such an improvement over the other stuff, other than the legal implications obviously... Call me naive, but alcohol is pretty toxic in large quantities :confused:)
toxic it is, but there's a certain pleasure in sitting with a cold frosty beer (or two) that i'm certain cannot be found in dropping an e down your neck?
toxic it is, but there's a certain pleasure in sitting with a cold frosty beer (or two) that i'm certain cannot be found in dropping an e down your neck?

Not "much" of an e taker or beer drinker, there is pleasure in both no doubt (or so many wouldn't partake I guess!). I can definitely see what you mean though, the frosty beer does conjure up more picturesque and "wholesome" images !
no, there isn't any pleasure in taking an e, snorting coke or injecting heroine, the pleasure is totally derived from the effects of the toxin. sipping a beer with your friends, sharing a bottle of wine with your mrs is totally different. even if alcohol does cost more the extra pleasure more than makes up for it.
no, there isn't any pleasure in taking an e, snorting coke or injecting heroine, the pleasure is totally derived from the effects of the toxin. sipping a beer with your friends, sharing a bottle of wine with your mrs is totally different. even if alcohol does cost more the extra pleasure more than makes up for it.

Must be coming near the anniversary time again :)
no, there isn't any pleasure in taking an e, snorting coke or injecting heroine, the pleasure is totally derived from the effects of the toxin. sipping a beer with your friends, sharing a bottle of wine with your mrs is totally different. even if alcohol does cost more the extra pleasure more than makes up for it.

I agree (although I know some drinkers that don't do it for the social pleasures, alone and hardcore, and some drug takers that do it in a group with their mates, never on their own...).
no, there isn't any pleasure in taking an e, snorting coke or injecting heroine, the pleasure is totally derived from the effects of the toxin. sipping a beer with your friends, sharing a bottle of wine with your mrs is totally different. even if alcohol does cost more the extra pleasure more than makes up for it.

stephen, you can't really believe that drug takers don't similarly love the rituals involved in taking them, in exactly the same way you describe for alcohol, for pretty much every drug imaginable.

in fact, the process of injecting herion has been well documented and popular as form of art representation........to the extent that its not even the drug or the effect itself, but the peripheral things that the drug takers become most fond of. the exact same fondness you talk about with friends or with your mrs.

this sort of article really gets on my tits. "...It's the most horrible place to be for me. It's emotional to see, all these people who have no idea where they are, doing stuff they would never do back home." Try visiting any UK City centre in the early hours of Saturday night, see how you get on there.