ibiza from 5 of may! work? apartment?


New Member
hi everyone!
Im arriving to Ibiza on the 5 of may, finally! :D Im kind of a ibiza virgin and really would need some good advice how to get work and somewhere to live.. By the way im a 19 year old girl fom Sweden and im a really party animal :) Does the employer fix apartment for the workers? should i look for work or apartment first?? Can anyone rekommend a cheep hotel in san antonio for the first weeks? I have booked hotel for the first days. Does anyone out there want to share apartment or have good tips how to find people who wants to share one?

Need every advice i can get as you can hear :D or if you are in the same situation as i am i would love to hear from you!

cheers / bianca

hi b, you will be arriving 2mro u lucky thing, im out on the 15th june for 2 months, really desperate for accom, if u have any thing in that month, let me know!!!! xx