Ibiza Female Models/Dancers/Waitresses Needed


New Member
I am looking to do a photo shoot in Ibiza for 1-2 hours between June.10-29 if any girls would be interested in working together and getting professional photos done whether to use them for your portfolio or just as great images to have from yuor trip. Whether your a female model, dancer, waitress or just on vacation please contact me if interested. I work with an elite agency in Canada and will be doing a few shoots in MIlan, Barcelona and Roma after, thanks!
just casual or fashion (no swimswear or anything). professional photos in and around the island including ibiza town and so on.
Hi im hopefully coming to Ibiza to work. I’ve been trying to get into modelling for years and would like to build up my portfolio. Have you got any more information about what your doing?
I can send you some pictures of myself if that any help?

Be nice to hear from you

Can you tell me sth more about it? Is this work paid? I am coming to Ibiza with my friends in 1 week to earn some money & have some fun :) By the way, do you know where we can find some cheap accommodation (for 6) near Ibiza Town or San Antonio?