Ibiza Fashion


Active Member
As an Ibiza virgin, curious to know what the day to day fashion is, as well as appropriate attire for club nights. During the day, are trainers/sandels, shorts, and tee shirts suitable? What's the typical dress for men?

In many videos I notice people just wearing cutoffs/tank tops into clubs, so I assume a proper outfit isn't needed? Or is it recommended a nice pair of jeans and shirt? Just don't want to come unprepared!
Just wear whatever mate, daytime wear whateve you would wear on any other sunny holiday. Im not out of my swimming shorts in the daytime. There isnt a dresscode for the clubs either. If your gonna go down to bora bora in the day or space/dc10 etc then shorts, vest, flipflops is always a winner for me. You seem to mad clothes out there on people so I wouldnt say there is a dresscode.

Simple- shorts every night when you go out

Warning- DO NOT WEAR JEANS!!!!
For night time clubbing - I dont think you will get into Pacha in shorts mate - I have seen people (men) turned away from the club for dressing to "beach/casual" so I would err on the side of caution for that club at least, also avoid football shirts or sportswear too and avoid flip flops / open toed sandals - lots of broken glass around and the last think you want is a fooked foot when all you want to do is thow shapes all night - that's my twopenneth worth

Be as comfy as you can - there will always be someone dressed worse/better than you so as long as you are comfortable in what your wearing its a good start to the night.

Daytime clubbing is free and easy - whatever you feel comfy in shorts and flip flops for Zoo project/Bora Bora/DC10 etc etc 8)