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The island gets ready to represent in the latest dance craze to sweep the planet
The Ibiza Harlem Shuffle takes place this Friday, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] March on Paseo Maritimo de Ibiza


There's never a dull moment round here especially when there's a new dance to be learned and a new viral bandwagon to be jumped on to. So, what better place to get involved with the latest dance craze sweeping the planet, the Harlem Shake, than Ibiza, the world's centre of all things electronic music & dance related.

FIX Ibiza, organisers of the local version of the wacky online meme, have confirmed Friday 1[SUP]st[/SUP] March as the date to get on down, literally, to the Paseo Maritimo in Ibiza for a couple of hours of good old fashioned fun with a few close friends and family. At least, that was the original plan. But since FIX boss, Jillian Canney first came up with the idea from the safety of her sofa last Sunday, the Ibiza Harlem Shake has taken on a life of its own, converting into a gathering of an approximate 100+ kindred shakin' souls, all ready to add their energy and enthusiasm to the video, which is expected to be online within days if not hours of filming.

There is still time for willing volunteers to get involved and considering that the Ibiza Harlem Shake is morphing into a serious production, organisers are hoping to count on the public and the already confirmed Ibiza Shakers to alert and bring along any acrobatic, sword-swallowing, bubble-blowing friends and animated entertainers they might know for added fabulousness to this island shake.

With a starting time of 4pm, the event is expected to last no longer than three hours, 7pm/sunset realistically being the cut-off point for filming purposes. The location for the mini event has been chosen specifically with Dalt Vila as its backdrop, representing Ibiza all the way! This is a totally voluntary effort by the Ibiza Winter People!

Get involved! For more info, contact Jill Canney on tel: 645 90 90 98

The Instructions

  • 4pm, Friday 1[SUP]st[/SUP] March: Meeting Point en situ, the park opposite the Casino de Ibiza, on the Paseo Maritimo de Ibiza.
  • For the first scene, lets call it ‘The solitary dancer surrounded by the Normal Normans', we will need around 25 volunteers to be dressed in their civvies.
  • For the second scene, 'Crowd goes Mental', we'll need everybody in the most weird and wonderful get up they can come up with. Also, bring some props. We'll bring a load too, as well as some extra bits and bobs for dressing up if necessary…
  • We expect to have to do a couple of takes and want to be ready to kick off at 4.30 latest…please help us achieve that and lets have fun above all else.
*We recommend that you take a look at some of the other Harlem Shakes on Youtube before Friday!

Ibiza Harlem Shake on Facebook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkNrSpqUr-E

What is the HARLEM SHAKE?
It looks like this: http://youtu.be/8f7wj_RcqYk

According to Wikipedia, it is the following:

An Internet meme in the form of a video of people performing a skit to the song "Harlem Shake". Being a meme, the video was replicated using the same concept by many people, which eventually led to it becoming viral in early February 2013, with thousands of "Harlem Shake" videos being made and uploaded to YouTube every day.

The form of the meme was established in a video uploaded on February 2nd by five teenagers from Queensland, Australia known on YouTube as The Sunny Coast Skate. The video started a viral trend of people uploading to YouTube their own "Harlem Shake" videos. The teenagers' video, in its turn, was a follow-up to a video by a YouTube comedy vlogger named Filthy Frank featuring a part where several costumed people danced to the song "Harlem Shake" by Baauer.