ibiza august 2012


New Member

just a simple question to ask when the line up for august time usually starts being announced?

would be useful to know so i have money for buyin tickets

Depends on the nights. Cream have usually posted their line ups mid to end of march. Some lineups haven't come out til middle to late may.
How many nights do you intend to do? How much do you expect to drink in the clubs?

I've seen people burn through £3,000 in two weeks, someone who did £2,000 in a long weekend...
Club prices vary massively. Average tends to be around £45 (€50).
Best thing to do is to get your hands on several bottles of vodka from the local shops (€7 for one litre...but don't expect quality), and drink before you head out. It's stupidly expensive in the clubs (€43 for a bottle of water and a double vodka redbull in Amnesia on a Cream night, for example).
never order doubles in ibiza clubs , a normal vodka+mixer is often bigger than a double in uk and they are literally twice the price
I try to take around £120 for each day, but i try also to have a few nights off from the expensive nights. realistically i would like around £180 a day!
Have a search through the forum there's literally hundreds of posts on money etc. As a rule of thumb though I always say a grand a week and thats enough to get wasted every night and go 3 or 4 clubs. But as the chap above said, you can spend as much or as little as you want, it all depends on how mad you wanna go. In my last trip I spent £1700 in 8 days and had no money the last two days I was there. But that was really going at it every night.

I've noticed though since my first visit in 2006 and my last visit in 2011 that Ibiza is actually becoming even more expensive, partly due to the $h1t exchange rate but also because even some of the smaller bars now like itica, ibiza rocks bar etc are charging 12euros for spirits and mixers. If you wanna have a cheap night now you haven't really got much alternative other than to get a bottle of vodka from the shop and get hammered in your room / on the beach
Have a search through the forum there's literally hundreds of posts on money etc. As a rule of thumb though I always say a grand a week and thats enough to get wasted every night and go 3 or 4 clubs. But as the chap above said, you can spend as much or as little as you want, it all depends on how mad you wanna go. In my last trip I spent £1700 in 8 days and had no money the last two days I was there. But that was really going at it every night.

I've noticed though since my first visit in 2006 and my last visit in 2011 that Ibiza is actually becoming even more expensive, partly due to the $h1t exchange rate but also because even some of the smaller bars now like itica, ibiza rocks bar etc are charging 12euros for spirits and mixers. If you wanna have a cheap night now you haven't really got much alternative other than to get a bottle of vodka from the shop and get hammered in your room / on the beach

The west end still provides a place for cheap drinks
never order doubles in ibiza clubs , a normal vodka+mixer is often bigger than a double in uk and they are literally twice the price

You know what trouble this old chestnut can cause on these forums:lol::lol: But they ARE definitely much bigger than uk measures...