Ibiza - as good as it used to be?


Active Member
First went to Ibiza as an idiot 17 year old in '93 and went every year between '98 and '03. I've been an irregular reader of this forum and more infrequent contributor for a few years now so have kept my hand in on some of the changes since I last went but obviously it's been a while!

Seriously considering a return visit so the question is, is it as good as it used to be? I know the major change is the lack of 24 hour clubbing but what is the one thing you would suggest is worth doing that you can do now but couldn't circa 2003?
I know the major change is the lack of 24 hour clubbing but what is the one thing you would suggest is worth doing that you can do now but couldn't circa 2003?

You could walk to the end of the sunset strip and see how the prominade has spoiled the vibe round Kanya way.
You can go to Pacha, listen to lots of cheesy electro house and pretend you are a Z list celebrity VIP. If you are lucky you might bump into Danny Dyer.
You'll make it as good as you want to make it - for me, each time, it just gets better, perhaps because each time I know Ibiza a little bit more
You'll make it as good as you want to make it - for me, each time, it just gets better, perhaps because each time I know Ibiza a little bit more

Totally agree! ...and remember there is a whole lot more going on in Ibiza outside the walls of Space, Amnesia, Pacha etc...etc...

Love the place!