Ibiza article - Daily Mail '05


My highlights:

"I take a seat beside a British couple. They have two small children and are tucking into iced buns and fizzy drinks when the dealer returns, presses two cellophane-wrapped packages of cocaine into my hand and disappears."

"In just over an hour, in a town I've never been to before and where I know no one, I've managed to buy six different types of drugs from four different dealers. (I later destroy them, flushing them down the toilet.)"

My highlights:

"I take a seat beside a British couple. They have two small children and are tucking into iced buns and fizzy drinks when the dealer returns, presses two cellophane-wrapped packages of cocaine into my hand and disappears."

"In just over an hour, in a town I've never been to before and where I know no one, I've managed to buy six different types of drugs from four different dealers. (I later destroy them, flushing them down the toilet.)"

First lesson a Journalist learns is to always check your facts.

I doubt the "two cellophane-wrapped packages" were actually cocaine or the "Drugs" were in any way genuine.

As he flushed them down the toilet we will never know.........:rolleyes:

That would have been a better story to report on " Agenda reporter sold fake merchandise"

The Image of him tailing 3 girls heading home from a night out and evesdropping on their conversation is amusing also...........
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Typical Media

Typical media coverage they dont write about the good side of Ibiza always the bad , the reason is good doesnt sell and the greedy sods are only after £££££££s and then the only thing correct is the date and thats wrong when its a leap year